SAP Business ByDesign (ByD) is designed as open cloud solution with a comprehensive set of APIs. The API portfolio splits into multiple API types which are designed for specific integration rationales and API usage patterns. This may raise two questions: Which APIs are available in SAP Business...
That means quick responses to orders and rapid fulfillment. It also requires accurate inventory levels, and great product content for eCommerce uses. Even if you can access a customer’s API through a vendor portal, you may not be getting all the benefits of API platforms. To get the most...
When a web-client is written as BSP, there is a session-ID available in the attributeruntime->server_id. This session ID identifies the particular browser instance that made the request. On the client-side, this session-ID is always contained in a cookie calledsap-appcontext. If an applic...
(Logistic Regression, Elastic Net), K-Means etc.H2O makes it possible for anyone to easily apply machine learning and predictive analytics to solve today’s most challenging business problems. H2O was written from scratch in Java and seamlessly integrates with the most popular open source products...
f means fenced mode process, ie direct within data virtualization instance. hostname string the hostname or ip address that is used to access the connection. port string the port number that is used to access the connection. os_user string is_docker string determines whether the data source ...
This means that BW-BPS works together “invisibly” with your application. An advantage of this is that your users to not have to learn how to use BW-BPS. The following graphic shows a typical sequence of access to the application programming interface. As a client application which accesses...
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Trademarks and Permissions and other Huawei trademarks are trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. ...
True means if multiple records in table or list meet the condition, they will all be updated. False means it supposes there is only one record in table or list meet the condition, if multiple records are found, system will throw error message. The Contact Person assigned to the Entitlement...
2The metric netapp_volume_state being 1 means "online"; being -1 means "offline". Aggregate Metricswith labelsavailability_zone,filer,nodeandaggregate. netapp_aggregate_total_bytes netapp_aggregate_used_bytes netapp_aggregate_available_bytes
The SAP Cloud for Customer OData API Developer’s Guide complements the SAP Cloud for Customer OData API Reference with usage details and samples for SAP Cloud for Customer OData API in a format that is most convenient to developers. Furthermore, it also covers known restrictions and limitations...