All statements generated through xAPI are stored in the LRS. xAPI allows different LRSes to talk to each other and share statements. An LRS can also share statements withexternal applications. XAPI also provides device freedom, meaning any device can send xAPI statements to an LRS. And the ...
👆 Meaning, methods, technology, problems. Ivan Lee | February 26, 2024 API Security Single Sign-On 🚪 - What is it? How does SSO work? With the help of single sign-on (SSO), clients can get to various sites and applications utilizing a solitary arrangement of login data. Types, ...
It's web-based, meaning the information is exchanged online. When you make a request with a REST API, you'll receive all of the data available from the API. GraphQL (query language) APIs work in a similar fashion, except they only fetch and respond with the specific data you want ...
In general, adhere to the “principle of least astonishment,” meaning when designing APIs, choose methods and conventions that are the least surprising or astonishing to the user or developer. Users of the API should have a clear understanding of how the security features work and what is expe...
So, while we strongly suggest that all API consumption involve the issuance of a unique (meaning specific to each developer) API key at the time of developer registration, it's critically important to understand that an API key alone is not enough to secure an API. For API providers, AP...
With the fully managed option, we take care of the design, deployment, and maintenance, meaning you get the combined benefits of Voice API with AI Studio's conversational AI without the setup. In fact, with our AI Virtual Assistant Service Pack, you’ll have access to the ultimate AI virtu...
“A business without value has no meaning,” Pedro boldly declares in the first sub-section of Chapter 3, ‘API-as-a-Product.’ If you intend to release your API as a product, youneedto consider its worth. At the bare minimum, you’ll want to break even, recouping the expenses you’...
Won't mangle markdown in code examples in gfm code blocks that other TOC generators mistake as being actual headings (this happens when markdown headings are show in examples, meaning they arent' actually headings that should be in the toc. Also happens with yaml and coffee-script comments, ...
Database relationships can be one-sided, meaning that only one entity knows about the other entity or entities in the relationship. Unidirectional relationships have an "owning" side, the side that maintains the relationship in the database. ...
Without question, there’s a hierarchy of needs with docs, and a getting started tutorial sits more towards the top (meaning, it isn’t essential). If you’re still working on the core docs, the getting started tutorial might not be achievable within the release timeframe. ...