Introduction to key scenarios, capabilities, and concepts of the Azure API Management service. API Management supports the full API lifecycle.
Sign in Learn Shows Azure Episode Azure API Management Overview Azure Learn how to use API Management to add many features to your API, including access control, rate limiting, monitoring, event logging, and response caching, with minimal work on your part. ...
When you're finished, you have deployed API Management to a VNET, configured an API operation to send traffic to back-end stateless services. To learn more about Azure API Management scenarios with Service Fabric, see the overview article....
Azure 定价 免费Azure 服务 灵活的购买选项 Azure 上的 FinOps 优化成本 解决方案和支持 解决方案 用于加速增长的资源 解决方案体系结构 支援 Azure 演示和实时问答 合作伙伴 Azure 市场 寻找合作伙伴 加入ISV 成功计划 资源 培训与认证 文件 部落格 开发人员资源 ...
API 清单管理- API 开发人员和 API 项目经理可使用 Azure 门户、Azure CLI、开发人员工具(例如 CI/CD 管道)以及指向 API 源(例如 Azure API 管理服务)的链接来注册组织的所有 API,以将其纳入集中清单。 API 设计和开发- 借助适用于 Visual Studio Code 的 Azure API 中心扩展,开发人员可以直接从创建 API 和...
自动缩放功能可帮助你通过自动缩放 Azure 云服务环境来管理意外的流量峰值,从而提供卓越的客户体验。设置缩放限制、计划目标并确保应用程序的性能可扩展,同时最大限度地降低成本。 使用你喜欢的开发环境 使用与 Visual Studio 无缝集成的 Azure SDK,体验卓越的开发环境。使用你偏爱的语言(包括 .NET、Java、Node.js、...
Microsoft Azure API Managementhelps improve our organization by providing a way to front internal APIs, add extra authentication, and create visibility for different services. It allows for secure and manageable API interactions, particularly beneficial for large companies with multiple APIs. ...
Azure API Management Documentation Get started What's new? Overview Create an instance Tutorials Deployment and operations Logs and monitoring Define APIs Manage APIs with policies Manage APIs on-premises and in other clouds Workspaces for federated API management ...
API Management policies overview Set or edit policies Author policies using Microsoft Copilot in Azure Debug policies in VS Code Policy expressions Reuse policy configurations Error handling Advanced monitoring Advanced request throttling Using external services ...
In addition, you need to obtain data on tenant usage of resources and services for capacity planning and billing purposes. Solution description This solution for this scenario integrates two products: Windows Azure Services for Windows Server VM Cloud, which is provided by the Service Management Port...