In these CloudTrail events, the eventSource is following example shows a CloudTrail log entry that demonstrates the GenerateQuery action in CloudWatch Logs Insights. { "eventVersion": "1.09", "userIdentity": { "type": "AssumedRole", "principalId": "EX_PRINCIPAL_...
// Put your logs below this line Attempted import error: 'API' is not exported from 'aws-amplify' (imported as 'API'). ERROR in ./src/App.js 22:26-37 export 'API' (imported as 'API') was not found in 'aws-amplify' (possible exports: Amplify) ERROR in ./src/App.js 35:10-...
此外,要查看 CodeCatalyst 空间中记录的所有事件,也可以使用 AWS CLI 和 aws codecatalyst list-event-logs 命令。有关更多信息,请参阅使用事件日志记录访问已记录的事件。 CodeCatalyst 空间事件 CodeCatalyst 中用于管理空间级和项目级资源的操作将记录在空间的计费账户中。对于 CodeCatalyst 空间的 CloudTrail 日志... How to provide AWS credentials to apilogs Although, the most straightforward thing to do might be use--aws-access-key-idand--aws-secret-access-keyor--profile, this will eventually become a pain in the ass...
打开Cloud9 后我们首先关闭 AWS managed temporary credentials,防止在与 AWS 交互过程中使用 EC2 上挂钩的 IAM Role,然后在 terminal 中执行 AWS configure 配置开发环境用到的 IAM User。简单起见可以配置包含AdministratorAccess这一 Policy 的 IAM User,更精细化的权限配置可以参考
AwsS3DataConnectorDataTypesLogs AwsS3DataConnectorProperties BasicAuthModel CcpAuthConfig CcpResponseConfig CodelessApiPollingDataConnector CodelessConnectorPollingAuthProperties CodelessConnectorPollingConfigProperties CodelessConnectorPollingPagingProperties CodelessConnectorPollingRequestProperties CodelessConnectorPollingRespo...
首先从部署到 API Gateway 的简单 API 开始。我将添加两个终端节点。一个终端节点用于将记录推送到Amazon Kinesis Data Streams,另一个用于调用简单的AWS Lambda函数。结果如下所示: 部署API 后,我可以转到Stages(阶段)子控制台,选择特定阶段,比如“开发”或“生产”。然后可以导航到Logs/Tracing(日志/跟踪)选项卡...
TykTyk 是一款基于 Golang 和Redis构建的开源 API 网关。它于 2014 年创建,比 AWS 的 API 网关即服务功能早。Tyk 用 Golang 编写,并使用 Golang 自己的 HTTP 服务器。 Tyk 支持不同的运行方式:云,混合(在自己的基础架构中为 GW)和本地。 图片Tyk 由 3 个组件组成:...
This is a two step process. First, we need to create an IAM role that allows API Gateway to write logs in CloudWatch. Then we need to turn on logging for our API project. First, log in to yourAWS Consoleand select IAM from the list of services. ...
ASimDhcpEventLogs ASimDnsActivityLogs ASimDnsAuditLogs ASimFileEventLogs ASimNetworkSessionLogs ASimProcessEventLogs ASimRegistryEventLogs ASimUserManagementActivityLogs ASimWebSessionLogs AWSCloudTrail AWSCloudWatch AWSGuardDuty AWSVPCFlow AzureAssessmentRecommendation CommonSecurityLog DeviceTvmSecureConfiguration...