链接预取:浏览器会自动在后台把你需要加载的页面下载下来,当用户要点击进入该页面的时候,浏览器会从缓存把这个页面取出来,页面的加载速度就会加快。 标签属性:rel=‘next’ 页面预加载很简单,只需要加上:<link rel='next' href='xxx.html'> 要预加载静态资源的话也可以实现 <link rel="prefetch" href="/imag...
QlgLink () -建立檔案的鏈結 (使用啟用 NLS 的路徑名稱) QlgLstat () -取得檔案或鏈結資訊 (使用啟用 NLS 的路徑名稱) QlgLstat64() -取得檔案或鏈結資訊 (已啟用大型檔案並使用已啟用 NLS 的路徑名稱) QlgLstat64_time64() -取得檔案或鏈結資訊 (已啟用大型檔案和 time64_t 並使用啟用 NLS 的路徑名...
fetchurl) .then(..) .catch...) ヾ(๑◡╹)ノ" 01-fetch发送基本的get请求 // 接口:http://ajax-base-api-t.itheima.net/api/getbooks // 请求方式:get // 查询参数(可选): // 1、id:需要查询的图书id fetch('http://ajax-base-api-t.itheima.net/api/getbooks').then(res...
AGCResolvedLink AGCShortAppLinking Enumerations Overview AGCLinkingAndroidOpenType AGCLinkingPreviewType AGCShortLinkingLength AGCAppLinkingErrorCode Type Definitions Overview AGCShortAppLinkingCallBack Server REST 创建短链接 查询分析数据 创建Unified Linking 查询Unified Linking分析数据 错...
AGCResolvedLink AGCShortAppLinking Enumerations Overview AGCLinkingAndroidOpenType AGCLinkingPreviewType AGCShortLinkingLength AGCAppLinkingErrorCode Type Definitions Overview AGCShortAppLinkingCallBack Server REST 创建短链接 查询分析数据 创建Unified Linking 查询Unified Linking分析...
名称功能说明是否支持 wx.miniapp.registOpenURLopen in new window 监听通过Scheme/UniversalLink进入App的事件 是 # 数据缓存 多端应用模式下,wx.setStorage 的限制有所提升,单个 key 允许存储的最大数据长度为 10MB,所有数据存储上限为 20MB 名称功能说明是否支持 wx.setStorageSyncopen in new window 将数据存储...
08S01Communication link failureThe communication link between the driver and the data source to which the driver was connected failed before the function completed processing. HY000General errorAn error occurred for which there was no specific SQLSTATE and for which no implementation-specific SQLSTATE ...
Take the APIhttps://demo.finedatalink.com/help/book.jsonas an example. Default Return Value By default, the result of API-based data fetching includes all objects, with the first-level node being parsed. This means thestore,store.book,store.bicycle,store.bicycle.color, andstore.bicycle.price...
How to handle deprecation of API decoration (see related post in the Migrations & Breaking Changes section above for link)March 2023Product & Platform AnnouncementsAd Analytics API: Introducing validWorkEmailLeads metric and PLACEMENT_NAME pivot Starting with the 202303 version, we are introducing the...
The Fetch API is a promise-based interface for fetching resources by making HTTP requests to servers from web browsers. It is similar to XML HTTP requests but better and more powerful. The fetch() method: Fetch API comes with a fetch () method that allows you to fetch data from all sort...