Exchange API,带有薄薄的熊猫数据框包装。 Krakee允许与Kraken API进行交互并使用Pandas的数据帧处理数据。 安装 pip install krakee 例子 from krakee import Krakee kr = Krakee () print ( kr . asset_pairs (). XXBTZEUR ) ... altname XBTEUR wsname XBT / EUR aclass_base currency base XXBT ....
方法名:setApiKey ExchangeSpecification.setApiKey介绍 [英]Set the API key. For MtGox this would be the "Rest-Key" field.[中] 代码示例 代码示例来源:origin: knowm/XChange /** * Read the API & Secret key from a resource called {@code prefix}-{@code secret.keys}. NOTE: This * file ...
krakenex exchange REST API, Python 3 package. This package is intentionally as lean as possible, and only provides a minimal interface to theKrakencryptocurrency exchange. Intended for developers, not traders. Software that useskrakenex ...
私有API通常称为trading、trade、tapi、exchange、account 等等。 有些交易所也暴露出商户API,可以让你创建发票并接收你的客户的数字货币和法币支付。这一类API通常称为merchant、wallet、payment、ecapi(用于电子商务的API)。 要获取指定交易所实例的所有可用方法,你可以使用如下的简单代码: console.log (new ccxt....
...以下是一个使用ccxt库执行实盘交易的示例代码:import ccxt# 创建Coinbase Pro交易所对象exchange = ccxt.coinbasepro()# 设置API密钥exchange.apiKey 8010 广告 腾讯云OCR文字识别特惠 文字识别限时抢购,热门产品低至14.9元 您找到你想要的搜索结果了吗?
我使用API来更新比特币价格。: 'CURRENCY_EXCHANGE_RATE', 'to_currency': 'EUR', 'apikey': AV_API_KEYAsk Price': '16006.65069000'}} 我只想要5.汇率,并且每10秒更新一次价格</ 浏览46提问于2020-11-30得票数 0 回答已采纳 1回答 如何利用api获取比特币到美元的价格 ...
exmo({ 'apiKey': 'YOUR_PUBLIC_API_KEY', 'secret': 'YOUR_SECRET_PRIVATE_KEY', }) kraken = ccxt.kraken({ 'apiKey': 'YOUR_PUBLIC_API_KEY', 'secret': 'YOUR_SECRET_PRIVATE_KEY', }) exchange_id = 'binance' exchange_class = getattr(ccxt, exchange_id) exchange = exchange_class({ ...
Kraken-$ 94800 $ N/A What you can build 4 successful projects you can build using our Bitcoin price API Crypto mobile apps Get reliable and up-to-date price feed for 1000+ cryptocurrency markets for your wallet, portfolio or notifier iOS and Android apps. ...
cancelOrder(exchangeSpecification.getApiKey(), bodyDigest, exchangeSpecification.getPassword(), Bitfloor.Version.v1, nextNonce(), orderId, Product.BTCUSD); return orderCancelResult.getOrderId() != null; } 代码示例来源:origin: com.xeiam.xchange/xchange-kraken public Map<String, KrakenTrade> ...
Exchange: GetPrices→ Prices ) } Start the dev server back up and visitlocalhost:3000: Unstyled Form Style This could use a bit of styling. The