在OpenAI开发系列(十二):Function calling功能的流程优化与多轮对话实现中:已经优化了功能函数对应的JSON Schema对象描述的自动生成流程,因此,在这里可以直接使用封装好的AutoFunctionGenerator类来为query_openweather_function生成相应的JSON Schema对象。 导入后调用这个类,得到其JSON Schema格式,代码如下: if __name__...
目前,OpenAl已经开放了text-davinci-003的API,可以通过申请API Key来使用该模型。申请API Key的步骤如下:(1)访问OpenAl的官方网站: openai.coml:(2)点击”Get Started”按钮,进入API Key申请页面。(3)填写申请表格,包括姓名、邮箱、公司/组织名称等信息。(4)提交申请后,等待OpenAl的审核。如果审核通过,OpenAl会...
Build AI assistants within your own applications that can leverage models, tools, and knowledge to do complex, multi-step tasks. Learn more Batch API Run asynchronous workloads for 50% of the cost over 24 hours. Learn more Build AI-native experiences with our tools and capabilities ...
OpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client libraries (SDK generation), server stubs, documentation and configuration automatically given an OpenAPI Spec (v2, v3) - aimxhaisse/openapi-generator
Foobara::EmptyRubyProjectGenerator TODO: Delete this and the text below, and describe your gem Welcome to your new gem! In this directory, you'll find the files you need to be able to package up your Ruby library into a gem. Put your Ruby code in the file lib/foobara/empty_ruby_pro...
With GPT-2, one of our key concerns was malicious use of the model (e.g., for disinformation), which is difficult to prevent once a model is open sourced. For the API, we’re able to better prevent misuse by limiting access to approved customers and use cases. We have a mandatory ...
注意:我们从Dropbox中拉取。有关如何生成数据集的详细信息,请参阅我们的DatasetGenerator模块。 !wget"https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/fh9vsmmm8vu0j50l3ss38/llama2_eval_qr_dataset.json?rlkey=kkoaez7aqeb4z25gzc06ak6kb&dl=1"-O data/llama2_eval_qr_dataset.json ...
注:申请试用快递鸟API Key可以免费 [快递鸟]快递单号查询接口,免费电子面单API_全球物流接口服务商 提供包括申通、顺丰、圆通、韵达、中通、百世等国内国外快递公司在内的418快递物流单号查询,31家电子面单接口,免费且无使用次数限制。 菜鸟-目前为15家国内主流快递公司提供物流信息服务的推送接口,以及20多家其他快递...
NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Template ID template_id True string Your template id, it can be obtained in the web console(Manage Templates) Export Type export_type string Either file or json(Default). The option json returns a JSON object, and the output PDF is stored on a CDN. Use...
自动解决在query+titles、query+pageids和query+revids,以及在由query+generator返回的页面中的重定向。 类型:布尔型 (详情) converttitles 如有需要,将标题转换为其他变体。只有当wiki的内容语言支持变体转换时才能工作。支持变体转换的语言包括ban、en、crh、gan、iu、kk、ku、shi、sr、tg、uz和zh。 类型:布...