Co-deployment of traffic and microservice gateways for more efficient access to cloud native APIs Automatic Discovery Interconnection with mainstream microservice engines such as K8s and Nacos to automate microservices discovery Easy O&M Quick implementation of inbound traffic governance and microservice ...
它通过接受所有应用程序编程接口(API) 调用、聚合实现这些调用所需的不同服务并返回正确的结果来执行反向代理的功能。 Most enterprise APIs are deployed by using API gateways.User authentication, rate limits, and statisticsare typical duties that API gateways take care of on behalf of a system of API s...
Gateways can perform a number of different functions, and you may not need all of them. The functions can be grouped into the following design patterns: Gateway Routing. Use the gateway as a reverse proxy to route requests to one or more backend services, using layer 7 routing. The gateway...
这个IngerssGateway 本身就是一个 Envoy,能和 Istio 服务网格无缝融合。这样 Istio 的 Policy/Security 等配置就能直接应用在网关上,不需要在服务网格内部处理(个人猜测)。 API 网关使用 JWT 进行身份验证时,只需要 JWK 公钥(登录时才需要私钥生成 JWT),在 API Gateway 里设置好公钥,就能统一进行身份认证。 选择API...
API gateways are core infrastructure Think of an API gateway platform as an application server, but for APIs. It is seen as the API runtime environment, and provides these core services: API security API protocol connectivity API virtualization ...
翻译来源: 前言 随着API越来越广泛和规范化,对标准化、安全协议和可扩展性的需求呈指数级增长。随着对微服务的兴趣激增,这一点尤其如此,微服务依赖于API进行通信。API网关通过一个相对容易实现的解决方案来满足这些需求。
API gateways can be deployed as on-premises software, as acloud-based service, or as a hybrid of both. If you are considering using an API gateway for your API management needs, here are a few things to keep in mind: Make sure the gateway supports the protocols you need. ...
翻译一篇API网关的文章,介绍了其三种角色:API管理、集群ingress网关、API网关模式,最后还讲了与service mesh的关系,通过此文可以更全面的理解API网关的作用。 原文: ...
API gateways can also help and enable additional capabilities, such as: API alerts:Traffic and policy alerts for more efficient API monitoring and health Efficient API development:Run multiple versions of APIs allowing customers to iterate, test, and release new versions quickly and protocol conversion...
0:00 微服务与网关(Microservices & API Gateways) 大家好,我叫Macro,今天我们谈论有关微服务和网关的话题。我是Mashape的CTO,也同时是开源网关Kong的开发者之一。Kong是一个API网关,今天我们就来窥探一下它究竟是怎么工作的以及它如何运用到你的微服务架构中去。