I am trying to restrict the size of incoming requests to my AWS API Gateway (maintained through Terraform) to be less than 500KB. I am using the size_constraint_statement to achieve this. To this affect, I am trying to create a new aws_api_gateway_stage and create a aws_wafv2_web_...
id- The ID of the api resource of api gateway. api_id- The ID of the api of api gateway. Import Api gateway api can be imported using the id.Format to<API Group Id>:<API Id>e.g. $terraform import alicloud_api_gateway_api.example"ab2351f2ce904edaa8d92a0510832b91:e4f728fca5a9...
腾讯云API网关:https://cloud.tencent.com/product/apigateway 腾讯云Terraform提供的资源类型和配置:https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/1154 总结:基于Swagger文件使用Terraform部署API网关是一种自动化部署和管理云计算资源的方法,它可以提高部署效率、保证一致性,并且可以与腾讯云的API网关和Terraform工具进行集成...
AWS APIGateway Lambda代理集成-由于配置错误执行失败:对Lambda函数的无效权限 、、、 在使用API网关到Lambda代理集成之后,我得到了Execution failed due to configuration error: Invalid permissions on Lambdafunction 我遵循了下面的设置,这是从非常好的文档化的terraform documentation中引用的,并且做了我所需要的事情。
stage_names = ["RELEASE","TEST", ] }resource"alicloud_api_gateway_app""example"{ name = var.name description = var.name }resource"alicloud_api_gateway_app_attachment""example"{ api_id = alicloud_api_gateway_api.example.api_id
我发现了问题所在。这是locals{}块中的语法错误。uri =应该是uri:。使用冒号而不是等号。然后块看起来...
$terraform init$terraform apply--auto-approveOutputs: lambda_name = "bogo-lambda" Our lambda function that uses the Docker image has been created: We may want to test it: API Gateway Here is our manifest file for AWS API Gateway,api-gateway.tf: ...
Terraform module which creates API Gateway v2 resources with HTTP/Websocket capabilities.This Terraform module is part of serverless.tf framework, which aims to simplify all operations when working with the serverless in Terraform.UsageHTTP API Gatewaymodule...
API Gateway access logs resource "aws_cloudwatch_log_group" "access_logs_log_group" { name = "/aws/apigateway/datalakes-api-gateway/accesslogs" retention_in_days = "${local.api_gateway_access_logs_retention_in_days}" } # Set up the settings in an API Gateway stage resource "aws_api_...
Create astage: echo " apiVersion: apigatewayv2.services.k8s.aws/v1alpha1 kind: Stage metadata: name: "apiv1" spec: apiID: $(kubectl get apis.apigatewayv2.services.k8s.aws apitest-private-nlb -o=jsonpath='{.status.apiID}') stageName: api autoDeploy: true " | kubectl apply -f -...