API Gateway 将所有调用和函数错误视为内部错误。如果 Lambda API 拒绝调用请求,API Gateway 会返回 500 错误代码。如果函数运行但返回错误,或返回格式错误的响应,API Gateway 会返回 502。在这两种情况下,来自 API Gateway 的响应的正文都是{"message": "Internal server error"}。
Internal server error. 500 An internal error occurred. Contact technical support. APIG.0602 Bad request. 400 Invalid request. Check whether the request is valid. APIG.0605 Domain name resolution failed. 500 Domain name resolution failed. Check whether the domain name is correct and has been bou...
比如你的code是这样的 value = event['queryStringParameters']['key'], 但是你传进去的是'Fuck' = 'value'。所以你的code拿不到这个'key',会报错,但是API Gateway这里不会返回你lambda的报错,它不管的,直接扔一个502就完事儿了,所以你就看见了"message": "Internal server error"。 所以出现这个问题的时候...
This code all works as new usernames are added to the table. However, response._StatusCode says internal server error.There is something going on with ActionContext and I have found some threads explaining the issue. Here is oneMy knowledge is insufficient to determine how the suggested fixes...
Internal configuration error. Check the internal configuration. 500 APIC.9000 Failed to request internal service Failed to request internal service Contact technical support to view the background logs. 500 APIC.9005 Order creation failed. Order creation failed. Contact technical support to view backgro...
tail -f /var/log/apigateway/shubao/runtime/access.log 再次发送API请求,通过日志定位到超时组件。 查看相应组件error日志,定位问题。 如果还存在问题,请联系技术支持。访问业务API,返回“500 Internal Server Error” 现象描述 通过APIG访问接口,返回“500 Internal Server Error”。 可能原因 Shubao服务内部异常。
内部服务器错误 500 Unexpected internal server error. Not Implemented 501 The requested resource is recognized but not implemented. Bad Gateway 502 Invalid response received when acting as a proxy or gateway. Service Unavailable 503 The server is currently unavailable. Gateway Timeout 504 Did not rece...
import static org.springframework.http.HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; /** * * API Gateway后置过滤器 * * * * @author mazq * 修改记录 * 修改后版本: 修改人: 修改日期: 2020/08/06 10:05 修改内容: * */ @Slf4j //@Component public...
500internalServerError服务器上发生了一般错误。 501notImplemented服务器不支持请求的函数。 502badGateway从另一个网关收到的错误响应。 503serviceUnavailable服务器暂时不可用,请稍后重试。 504gatewayTimeout从另一个网关接收的超时。 507insufficientStorage无法保存请求的数据。
在**500内部服务器错误** 维护WordPress安装时,在PHP或Web服务器)的问题有可能成为罪魁祸首代码可以是...