Access free stock data API offering real-time and historical market data for global exchanges. Marketstack provides fast, reliable stock price API solutions.
Access free stock data API offering real-time and historical market data for global exchanges. Marketstack provides fast, reliable stock price API solutions.
function=TIME_SERIES_DAILY&symbol={symbol}&apikey={api_key}'# 发送请求response = requests.get(url)data = response.json()# 输出历史数据if "Time Series (Daily)" in data: for date, daily_data in data["Time Series (Daily)"].items(): print(f"Date: {date}") print(f"Open: ...
Sourcing the stock data, cleaning the data, storing the data, building the API, documenting the API, maintaining the API, and marketing the API all costs money. As you can see, there’s no way that sustainable companies can offer financial data APIs for free. If you are willing to...
例如,,获取深圳市场002095股票的60分钟数据,获取最近的1023个节点。 方法4:[市场][股票代码]/[复权].js?d=[日期...
stockapi接口地址: 接口说明:行业板块个股列表 地址: 接口说明:所有ETF代码 地址: 接口说明:今日股票增量数据 地址: ...,SZ002299&_=1541640828575 带上UA信息发送请求 返回: {"data":[{"symbol":"SZ002299","current":18.58,"percent":0.7,"chg":0.13,"timestamp":1647587043000,"volume":5477309,"amount":1.01428422E8,"market_capital":2.3113025698E10...
ws.onmessage=(event) =>{constdata =JSON.parse(;if(data.type==="stock") {updateStockPrice(data);// 自定义更新逻辑} }; 4. 多国家数据过滤 若需订阅特定国家(如印度)的股票数据,可在初始化时附加参数: // 示例:订阅印度国家ID=14的股票ws.send(JSON.stringify({"action":"subscribe"...
).json()["data"]["records"]# WebSocket实时监听importwebsocketsasyncdeflisten_quotes():asyncwithwebsockets.connect("wss://")asws:whileTrue: data =awaitws.recv()print("Received:", json.loads(data)) ...
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