生成文档:最后,你可以通过运行php artisan api:docs命令来生成API文档。 使用Laravel-API-Doc-Generator 安装:通过Composer安装mpociot/api-doc-generator。 配置:发布配置文件apidoc.php到config目录。 生成文档:运行php artisan apidoc:generate命令生成文档。 使用Laravel-API-Doc 安装:通过npm安装apidoc。 配置:在packa...
Laravel API Documentation Generator Automatically generate your API documentation from your existing Laravel/Lumen/Dingoroutes. php artisan apidoc:generate Installation PHP 7.2 and Laravel/Lumen 5.7 or higher are required. If your application does not meet these requirements, you can check out the 3.x...
Laravel 5 api documentation generator, based on Swagger apidoc use just a few lines of code added to your controllers methods. Installation Require this package with composer using the following command: composer require despark/apidoc After that add to the providers array in config/app.php Desp...
composer require mpociot/laravel-apidoc-generator 执行: php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Mpociot\ApiDoc\ApiDocGeneratorServiceProvider" --tag=apidoc-config 参考Generating Documentation 执行: php artisan apidoc:generate 生成的文件位置: 浏览器打开:http://laravelauth.test/docs/即可查看 修改测试: 修...
Automated API Documentation Generation with Swagger Visit Site See what your users are seeing: Debug your Laravel apps faster with session replay!➡️ Try Sentry for Laravel Related Projects #Utility Created with Sketch.4.344 Laravel FilterableFilter Functionalities for Laravel Models ...
at line 26 bool check(string $value, string|null $hashedValue, array $options = []) Check the given plain value against a hash. Parameters string $value string|null $hashedValue array $options Return Value bool Generated by Doctum, a API Documentation generator and fork of Sami....
void __construct(string $sql, array $bindings, float|null $time, Connection $connection) Create a new event instance. Parameters string $sql array $bindings float|null $time Connection $connection Return Value void Generated by Doctum, a API Documentation generator and fork of Sami....
Preparation: Initial Laravel API Code First, I will show the base code of API structure, it may be useful to learn even if you’re not planning to generate documentation. Imagine you have a modelProjectand all API action for it: index, store, update, show, destroy. ...
以构建论坛项目 LaraBBS 为线索,展开对 Laravel 框架的全面学习。应用程序架构思路贴近 Laravel 框架的设计哲学。 《G01 Go 实战入门》 从零开始带你一步步开发一个 Go 博客项目,让你在最短的时间内学会使用 Go 进行编码。项目结构很大程度上参考了 Laravel。
Laravel Sanctum 为 SPA (单页面应用程序)、移动应用程序和简单的、基于令牌的 API 提供轻量级身份验证系统。Sanctum 允许应用程序的每个用户为他们的帐户生成多个 API 令牌。这些令牌可能被授予指定允许令牌执行哪些操作的能力 / 范围。 工作原理 API 令牌