Sample 1: Resume Discount This sample restarts a paused discount. Input Specify the markdown discount you want to resume using the promotion ID concatenated with the marketplace ENUM as a URI query parameter. See the endpoint below for an example. ...
Resume an App Service Environment. Sample request HTTP Java Go HTTP 複製 POST Sample response Status code...
IBackgroundCopyJob job=null; // Create a bits job to download the next expected update bcm.CreateJob("Application Update", BG_JOB_TYPE.BG_JOB_TYPE_DOWNLOAD, out jobID, out job); // Add the file to the job job.AddFile(updateUrl, localLocation); job.Resume(); // start the job in...
update.patchresume update.putresume list create get.content get.metadata delete update copy subscribe emptyRecycle Thumbnail get Changes getStartCursor list subscribe Channels stop Comments list get create update delete Replies list get create update delete ...
Salesforce は、各 API バージョンを最初のリリース日から最低 3 年間サポートします。API の品質およびパフォーマンスを充実させ、改善するために、3 年を超えるバージョンのサポートは停止される場合があります。
For more info about the programming models, platforms, languages, and APIs demonstrated in these samples, please refer to the guidance, tutorials, and reference topics provided in the Windows 10 documentation available in theWindows Developer Center. These samples are provided as-is in order to ind...
启动HiCar投屏,当厂商HMI应用收到HICAR_DEVICE_SERVICE_RESUME状态时调用该接口。 Parameter name Parameter type Parameter desc handle HICAR_HANDLE HiCar句柄,通过GetHiCarHandle获取到的句柄。 Return Type Desc int32_t 启动投屏结果: 1:启动HiCar投屏成功 非1:启动HiCar投屏失败 HiCarGetConnectQRCode HiCar...
The GC takes care of memory leaks, but it doesn't prevent memory retention. As a developer, you have control over your object's lifetime. If you can reduce the working set of your application, performance will improve. If your application is designed in such a way ...
var sensorsApiCloudSdk = api.require('sensorsAnalyticsAPICloudSDK'); sensorsApiCloudSdk.trackTimerResume({event:'ApiCloudTrackTimer'}); trackTimerEnd 停止事件计时器,并触发事件 trackTimerEnd({params}) event: 类型:字符串 描述:事件名称或事件的 eventId ...
virtual void Run() = 0; void Yield(System::Object *obj) {} private: void *fiber; // this fiber void *previousfiber; // the fiber that scheduled this fiber FiberStateEnum state; // whether the fiber is running or has stopped. System::Object *retval; // the value that Resume returns...