XAF’s administrative UI to manage users and roles at runtime using WinForms, WebForms, and Blazor apps:Getting Started Tutorial|Demos. Localization functions (endpoints to obtain localized captions for classes, members, and custom UI elements). ...
华为云帮助中心为你分享云计算行业信息,包含产品介绍、用户指南、开发指南、最佳实践和常见问题等文档,方便快速查找定位问题与能力成长,并提供相关资料和解决方案。本页面关键词:android apidemos讲解。
See all demos invulkan-go/demos. Project history timeline 2016-02-16Vulkan API publicly released. 2016-03-06vulkan-goinitial commit and first binding. 2016-05-14Finally received my NVIDIA Shield Tablet K1 (DHL lost the first parcel), I decided to use tablet because it was the first device...
新增get() 方法,可以获取摄像头配置信息 CamcorderProfile 新增getJpegEncodingQualityParameter() 获取jpeg编码质量参数可以在 CameraPreview.java 文件从ApiDemos示例程序中查看。 5. 新增拍照API 比如获取焦距getFocusDistances()获取预览FPS getPreviewFpsRange(), 获取焦距范围 getSupportedPreviewFpsRange() 和设置教育 ...
使用brew 安装最新的 ios-webkit-debug-proxy。在终端运行一下命令:#如果你没有安装 brew 的话,先安装 brew。> ruby -e"$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/mxcl/homebrew/go/install)">brew update> brew install ios-webkit-debug-proxy 你也可以通过 git 克隆项目来自己安装最新版本:#Please be aware...
使用brew 安装最新的 ios-webkit-debug-proxy。在终端运行一下命令: # 如果你没有安装 brew 的话,先安装 brew。 > ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/mxcl/homebrew/go/install)" > brew update > brew install ios-webkit-debug-proxy ...
文档前提:已经下载并安装了AndroidSDK 及 Eclipse开发工具,具备开发一些常规的Android应用等基础技能。 1. 安装Google Play services SDK 进入Eclipse的菜单: Window -AndroidSDK Manager,然后安装和更新Extras分类下的Google Play services即可。 2. 生成APIKEY 先找到debug ...
Vulkan examples and demos Assorted C++ examples for Vulkan(tm), the new graphics and compute API from Khronos. Building The repository contains everything required to compile and build the examples on Windows, Linux and Android using a C++ compiler that supports C++11. All required dependencies ar...
Error:Execution failed for task ':app:mergeDebugResources'. ApiDemos/app/src/main/res/xml/preference_switch: Error: The file name must end with .xml 看来官方 sample 也会出现一些低级错误,重命名这个文件加上后缀,可以解决问题。 ApiDemos/app/src/main/java/com/example/android/apis/os/MmsMessaging...
28 http://t.rock-chips.com Enter the /rknn_api_sdk directory, the main source file for these two demos is /rknn_mobilenet.cpp and /rknn_ssd.cpp, the specific compile method is as follows: 1) cd rknn_api_sdk; mkdir build_x86; cd build_x86; cmake .. 2) make You can get rknn...