如果你之前没有使用过Kaggle API,则需要手动创建.kaggle文件夹。以下是我的配置。 5. 通过API命令下载数据集 选择一个花的分类图片数据集(5类花,Lily,Lotus,Sunflower,Orchid,Tulip),点击Copy API command 我的复制出来是这个: kaggle datasets download -d kausthubkannan/5-flower-types-classification-dataset 然...
usage: kaggle competitions download [-h] [-f FILE_NAME] [-p PATH] [-w] [-o][-q][competition]optional arguments:-h, --help show this help message and exitcompetition Competition URL suffix (use "kaggle competitions list" to show options)If empty, the default competition will be used (...
如果遇到kaggle: command not found错误,请确保您的 Python 二进制文件在您的路径上。您可以kaggle通过执行pip uninstall kaggle并查看二进制文件的位置来查看安装位置。对于 Linux 上的本地用户安装,默认位置是~/.local/bin. 在 Windows...
如果遇到kaggle: command not found错误,请确保您的 Python 二进制文件在您的路径上。您可以kaggle通过执行pip uninstall kaggle并查看二进制文件的位置来查看安装位置。对于 Linux 上的本地用户安装,默认位置是~/.local/bin. 在 Windows 上,默认位置是$PYTHON_HOME/Scripts. 重要提示:我们不提供 Python 2 支持。在...
api.kaggle_api_extended import KaggleApi api = KaggleApi() api.authenticate() api.model_list_cli() Next Page Token = [...] [...] Or in a single command: hatch run python -c "import kaggle; from kaggle.api.kaggle_api_extended import KaggleApi; api = KaggleApi(); api.authenticate(...
You can now use thekagglecommand as shown in the examples below. If you run into akaggle: command not founderror, ensure that your python binaries are on your path. You can see wherekaggleis installed by doingpip uninstall kaggleand seeing where the binary is. For a local user install on...
导出KAGGLE_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 此外,您可以导出通常采⽤$HOME/.kaggle/kaggle.json“KAGGLE_”格式(注意⼤写)的任何其他配置值。例如,如果⽂件具有变量“proxy”,您将导出KAGGLE_PROXY 并由客户端查看。⼆、Kaggle Command命令使⽤ 命令⾏⼯具⽀持以下命令:shell kaggle competitions {list, files,...
In this section, we will consider the Amazon musical instrument review data freely available from Kaggle. The data can also be downloaded from my Github account as follows: import pandas as pd data_URL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keitazoumana/Experimentation-Data/main/Musical_instruments...
🎆 它还具备交互式聊天模式,可以改进现有的 ML 项目,甚至提供 Kaggle 模式,自动完成 Kaggle 任务。 🌟希望这篇文章对你有帮助,感谢阅读!如果你喜欢这系列文章请以点赞 / 分享 / 在看的方式告诉我,以便我用来评估是否出Composio使用的教程。 参考链接: [1] github:https://github.com/ComposioHQ/composio...
You can now use the kaggle command as shown in the examples below. If you run into a kaggle: command not found error, ensure that your python binaries are on your path. You can see where kaggle is installed by doing pip uninstall kaggle and seeing where the binary is (then cancel the...