一、GetMethodID jmethodIDGetMethodID(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz,constchar*name,constchar*sig); 返回类或接口实例(非静态)方法的方法 ID。方法可在某个clazz的超类中定义,也可从clazz继承。该方法由其名称和签名决定。 GetMethodID()可使未初始化的类初始化。 要获得构造函数的方法 ID,应将<init>作为方法...
push推送时替换,replace直接替换; 页面跳转的三个基本API —— of()、push()、pop() 【push】ContentPage跳转到PageOne: 【pop】PageOne跳回ContentPage: 两个页面间简单的页面传输 【Push方向(发送数据),】ContentPage跳转到PageOne,把要传输的数据交给PageOne的构造函数,PageOne接收数据并显示: 【接收其他页面返回...
Payment Methods Payment Methods The PaymentMethod objectCreate a PaymentMethodUpdate a PaymentMethodRetrieve a Customer's PaymentMethodRetrieve a PaymentMethodList a Customer's PaymentMethodsList PaymentMethodsAttach a PaymentMethod to a CustomerDetach a PaymentMethod from a Customer Payment Method Configurat...
Three new methods, CREATE, DELETE, and PARTIAL_UPDATE, are now available on /events in a new API product. A new permission rw_events is now available in the Events Management API to allow POST and DELETE methods requiring write access, while the GET /events API requires r_events permission...
1.4 方法(Methods) AECEnv.step(action:ActionType)→None Accepts and executes the action of the current agent_selection in the environment.接受并执行环境中当前agent_selection的操作。Automatically switches control to the next agent.自动将控制切换到下一个智能体。 ▶函数后面带上“→None”,意思是建议...
Latest update time:2023.10.20Release notes After submitting a refund request, check the refund status by calling this API. There may be a delay in refund. The refund paid by balance will be received within 20 minutes. For refunds paid by bank cards, check the refund status after 3 business...
After installation, you can access Open WebUI athttp://localhost:3000. Enjoy! 😄 Other Installation Methods We offer various installation alternatives, including non-Docker native installation methods, Docker Compose, Kustomize, and Helm. Visit ourOpen WebUI Documentationor join ourDiscord communityfo...
api.testChecks API calling code. apps.activities.listGet logs for a specified app apps.auth.external.deleteDelete external auth tokens only on the Slack side apps.auth.external.getGet the access token for the provided token ID apps.connections.openGenerate a temporary Socket Mode WebSocket URL th...
As of jQuery 1.5, thefailanddone, and, as of jQuery 1.6,alwayscallback hooks are first-in, first-out managed queues, allowing for more than one callback for each hook. SeeDeferred object methods, which are implemented internally for these$.ajax()callback hooks. ...
WebGLRenderingContext implements all attributes, methods and constants defined byWebGL 1.0. #Font API说明 wx.getTextLineHeightAcquire the height of the text in one row wx.loadFontLoad custom font files #Frame API说明 wx.setPreferredFramesPerSecondRendering frame rate can be modified. The default ...