Installs an application-defined hook procedure into a hook chain. You would install a hook procedure to monitor the system for certain types of events. These events are associated either with a specific thread or with all threads in the same desktop as the calling thread. HHOOK WINAPI SetWindo...
This section uses IntelliJ IDEA as an example to describe how to integrate the Python SDK for API request signing. You can import the sample project in the code package, and integrate the signing SDK into your application by referring to the API calling example. Preparing the Environment ...
Examples of calling an API operation of SDK for Python,Cloud Config:This topic provides an example on how to call the ListDiscovereesources operation of Cloud Config by using SDK for Python to query the resource list.
Python and JavaScript client libraries for calling the Google Earth Engine API. Important Note: Access to Google Earth Engine is currently only available to registered users. The API is in active development, and users should expect the API to change. When (not if) API changes occur, applicatio...
使用Python 和 Google Meet REST API 观察会议事件 bookmark_border 本教程介绍了如何使用 Google Meet REST API 以及 Google Workspace Events API 和 Google Cloud Pub/Sub 来监控 Meet 会议空间中的事件并对其做出响应。示例应用会记录会议的开始和结束时间、参与者加入或退出的时间,以及任何生成的会议工件可用的时...
🐍 | Python library for RunPod API and serverless worker SDK. - GitHub - runpod/runpod-python: 🐍 | Python library for RunPod API and serverless worker SDK.
Learn more about calling API v2 endpoints. Events are generated to keep you informed of activity in your business account. APIs in the /v2 namespace generate thin events which have small, unversioned payloads that include a reference to the ID of the object that has changed. The Events v2 ...
An application not found error could be returned if you are calling the Microsoft identity platform endpoint using a Live SDK application ID with the short hexadecimal format e.g., 0000000012345A67. In that case you mustregistera new application. Valid Microsoft identity platform application IDs are...
This means that when submitting batch deployment jobs the user can either provide the job definition inline or reference a job definition in a query parameter. POST /ml/v4/deployment_job_definitions Copy to clipboard Auditing Calling this method generates the following auditing event. pm-20.job....
exec_async(bool,optional,default = True) – Whether to execute the pipeline asynchronously. This run asynchronously with respect to the calling Python thread. In order to synchronize with the pipeline one needs to callnvidia.dali.pipeline.Pipeline.output...