Angular 测试实用工具包括 TestBed、ComponentFixture以及一些控制测试环境的函数。TestBed和 ComponentFixture 类是单独介绍的。下面是一些独立函数的摘要,以使用频率排序:函数Function详情Details waitForAsync 在一个特殊的async 测试区域中运行测试(it)的函数体或准备函数(beforeEach)。参阅 waitForAsync。Runs the body of...
Interactive client-sideClient application, that allows user interaction, callingAzure DevOps Services REST APIsConsole application enumerating projects in an organizationMicrosoft Authentication Library (MSAL)sample Interactive JavaScriptGUI based JavaScript applicationAngularJS single page app displaying project inf...
Declare this in the global context of your application (ex: in polyfills for angular) (windowasany).global=window; Webpack This is the "old" way of using this package on webpages. This will build a minified js bundle that can be pulled in using a script tag on a website. Build a ...
For in-depth information, see theUpload widgetguide. Use theUpload widget demoto try out some of the widget options. Check out one of our code explorers to play with an Upload widget implementation:JavaScript|React|Angular|Vue Initialization methods ...
A simple example is a pure JavaScript application made using Angular/Ember and calls the API directly from JavaScript via Ajax calls. This grant type/flow requires interaction with the end user. Prerequisites Register an application with the API Manager. The application subscribes to at least one...
The way it works for angular 2 is based on this code: what this does is if there is data in the body and that data is a string or an array buffer it attempts to parse it as json. so that means ...
angular153.3kMIT0.19.0 An in-memory web api for Angular demos and tests readme Angular The sources for this package are in the main Angular repo. Please file issues and pull requests against that repo. Usage information and reference details can be found in Angular documentation. License: MIT...
Angular (MSAL.js v1) React The following code combines the previously described pattern with the methods for a pop-up experience: JavaScript Copy // MSAL.js v2 exposes several account APIs, logic to determine which account to use is the responsibility of the developer const account = publ...
(ES5, ES6, AngularJS with Google Closure Compiler annotations, Flow types, Apollo GraphQL DataStore), Objective-C, OCaml, Perl, PHP, PowerShell, Python, R, Ruby, Rust (hyper, reqwest, rust-server), Scala (akka, http4s, scalaz, sttp, swagger-async-httpclient, pekko), Swift (2.x, 3...
A simple example is a pure JavaScript application made using Angular/Ember and calls the API directly from JavaScript via Ajax calls. This grant type/flow requires interaction with the end user. Prerequisites Register an application with the API Manager. The application subscribes to at least one...