一、GetMethodID jmethodIDGetMethodID(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz,constchar*name,constchar*sig); 返回类或接口实例(非静态)方法的方法 ID。方法可在某个clazz的超类中定义,也可从clazz继承。该方法由其名称和签名决定。 GetMethodID()可使未初始化的类初始化。 要获得构造函数的方法 ID,应将<init>作为方法...
To use Android to call an API through App authentication, obtain the Android SDK, create a new project, and then call the API by referring to the API calling example.You
This section uses Android Studio as an example to describe how to integrate the Android SDK for API request signing. You can import the sample project in the code package, and integrate the signing SDK into your application by referring to the API calling example....
只有Android框架才能注册具有此功能的 PhoneAccount。 见getCapabilities() 常量值:4(0x00000004)CAPABILITY_VIDEO_CALLING Added in API level 23 int CAPABILITY_VIDEO_CALLING 表示此 PhoneAccount能够放置视频呼叫的标志。 见getCapabilities() 常量值:8(0x00000008)CAPABILITY...
API level: Android APIs android android.accessibilityservice android.accounts android.animation android.app android.app.admin android.app.backup android.appwidget android.bluetooth android.content android.content.pm android.content.res android.database android.database.sqlite android.drm android.gesture ...
From interfaceandroid.os.Parcelable Constants CONTENT_TYPE_MOVIE Added inAPI level 21 int CONTENT_TYPE_MOVIE 当内容类型是音轨时使用的内容类型值,通常伴随着电影或电视节目。 常量值:3(0x00000003) CONTENT_TYPE_MUSIC Added inAPI level 21 int CONTENT_TYPE_MUSIC ...
这是您探索非凡的地方。让我们深入了解如何构建一个简单的 android 语音通话应用程序? 在进入这个激动人心的旅程之前,有必要了解一下 Voice Calling API 的全部内容吗? 什么是语音呼叫 API 以及它是如何工作的? 首先,语音呼叫 api 是软件开发人员用来轻松拨打和接听电话的工具。换句话说,可以说它是连接公共交换电话...
We now support partial batch request validation, allowing the processing of all valid elements in a batch sent in the request payload. Additionally, we return a batch response array with HTTP response status for each element, including batchIndex to specify the exact index of each invalid record...
Starting a New Android Project In Eclipse, create a new Android project. (Open a browser and navigate to http://developer.android.com for instructions on how to do this.) Go to your workspace and find the folder that contains the new Android project.The project folder should...
Under this window, click on Java Build Path in the left navigation, then select theOrder and Export tab. Ensure that the Android Private Libraries contains a check, then clean the project.Starting a New Android ProjectIn Eclipse, create a new Android project. (Open a browser and navigate to...