{publicintTokenId {get;set; }publicstringAuthToken {get;set; }publicSystem.DateTime IssuedOn {get;set; }publicSystem.DateTime ExpiresOn {get;set; }publicintUserId {get;set; }publicvirtualUserEntity User {get;set; } } 实体模型层(UnitOfWork 即ApplicationDataModel) 在之前系列介绍过关于在WebAPi...
The API Manager provides complete OAuth2 support including authentication provider, role-based authorization framework for scopes, and login web pages along with token management component. The API Manager acts as authorization server and resource server. The authentication provider supports integration with...
temporarily store information about a user logging in with a third party login provider app.UseExternalSignInCookie(DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ExternalCookie); // Enables the application to temporarily store user information when they are verifying the second factor in the two-factor authentication ...
public static IEnumerable<Client> GetClients() { return new List<Client> { new Client { ClientId = "client", // no interactive user, use the clientid/secret for authentication AllowedGrantTypes = GrantTypes.ClientCredentials, // secret for authentication ClientSecrets = { new Secret("secret"...
Exposing site_name Field in REST API Examples of REST APIs Using Various Authentication Types Basic Authentication Session-Based Authentication Token-Based AuthenticationREST API Authentication TypesThe section provides complementary information with regard to all UFM REST APIs.Exposing...
API Authentication 1. Authentication Patterns Authentication Patterns 1.1. Authentication Patterns 1.2. Step 1: Select the Authentication mode for your service 1.3. Step 2: Select the Authentication mode you want to use 1.4. Step 3: Ensure your API accepts the correct types of credentials ...
差异内容:getMimeTypes(): Promise<Array<string>>; api/@ohos.pasteboard.d.ts 新增API NA 类名:deviceInfo; API声明:const productModelAlias: string; 差异内容:const productModelAlias: string; api/@ohos.deviceInfo.d.ts 新增API NA 类名:print; API声明: enum PrinterState 差异内容: enum PrinterSt...
1.AuthenticationCenter 鉴权中心主要负责,验证登录并返回Token,代码如下(示例仅包含主要部分): public string GetToken(string UserName) { var claims = new[] { new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, UserName), new Claim("NickName","李四"), new Claim("Role","Administrator"),//传递其他信息 ...
API Authentication 1. Authentication Patterns Authentication Patterns 1.1. Authentication Patterns 1.2. Step 1: Select the Authentication mode for your service 1.3. Step 2: Select the Auth Mode you want to use 1.4. Step 3: Ensure your API accepts the correct types of credentials 1.5. Step 4: ...
Entity type. Seehttps://docs.microsoft.com/gaming/playfab/features/data/entities/available-built-in-entity-types GetEntityTokenRequest This API must be called with X-SecretKey, X-Authentication or X-EntityToken headers. An optional EntityKey may be included to attempt to set the resulting Entity...