[New LatinAphis, Aphid-,type genus, coined by Carolus Linnaeus, perhaps as a back-formed singular*Aphīs, from plural*Aphīdes, irregularly derived from Greekapheideis, plural ofapheidēs,unsparing, unmerciful, lavish (in reference to the damage caused by aphids or to their high reproductive ...
These aphids are quite easy to spot on the shoots of host plants due to their bright yellow colors and the sheer size of the infestation. However, most of the damage they inflict on their host is aesthetic because they secrete a sticky substance called honeydew. This substance encourages the...
Detection of Aphids on Hyperspectral Images Using One-Class SVM and Laplacian of GaussiansAPHIDSSUPPORT vector machinesCROPSFIELD researchDATABASESAphids cause severe damage to agricultural crops, resulting in significant economic losses, and an increased use of pesticides with decreased effi...
Plants possess thorns or trichomes on their leaves, stems, and fruits, which serve as deterrents against insects, thereby reducing pest damage. Leaf trichomes form barriers that aphids encounter during foraging, feeding, digestion, mating, and oviposition, minimizing aphid reproductive rates (Haq et ...
Rinse the soapy film off of the leaves after the aphids have been sprayed. If the solution remains on the foliage, it can damage the plant. The same combination of soap and oil that blocks the aphid’s spiracles can clog the pores on the surface of the foliage, interfering with processes...
This sooty mold can ultimately damage the plant also. Ants flock to an infested plant not because they want to attack it but because they’re after that sweet sugar too. Don’t worry; the ants don’t harm the plant and will leave after the aphids are gone....
EBF might act to minimize aphid damage in several ways: (1) EBF emission may directly prevent aphid settling. This has been reported for the wild potato (Solanum berthaultii) which repels the green peach aphid (Myzus persicae) by the release of EBF [22, 23]. EBF also appears to reduce...
Aphids such as the English grain aphidSitobion avenaeare important pests in cereals (Blackman and Eastop2007). They directly damage cereals by sap-sucking and indirectly by (1) transmitting viruses (e.g. Yellow Dwarf Virus) and (2) obscuring photosynthesis by the combined effect of honeydew ...
The purpose of this study was to determine whether workable flesh-toned paints can be made from colourants from aphid insects and ivy gum using medieval gum and scale insect recipes. The processes of extracting pigment from the lesser-known ivy, wormwood and the giant willow aphids were explored...
On the one hand, although increasing nitrogen fertilizers has directly proliferated crop nutrition and yield, it also accelerates the development rate of herbivorous insects and their natural enemies to a different extent, with the outbreak of pests causing serious damage to crops. Two hypotheses have...