毕章宝,季正端.烟蚜茧蜂Aphidius gifuensis Ashmead生物学研究:I.发育过程和幼期形态[J].河北农业大学学报, 1993,16(2):1--8.毕章宝,季正端. 烟蚜茧蜂Aphidius gifuensis Ashmead生物学研究:Ⅰ.发育过程和幼期形态[J].河北农业大学学报 1993,16(02).毕章宝,季正端.烟蚜茧蜂Aphidius gifuensis Ash...
烟草在线据网络报道整理 烟蚜茧蜂(Aphidius gifuensis Ashmead)属膜翅目、蚜茧蜂科,是烟蚜的重要寄生性天敌。我国烟田 …www.tobaccochina.com|基于26个网页 2. 岐阜小茧蜂 岐阜小茧蜂(Aphidius gifuensis Ashmead)为桃蚜(Myzus persicae (Sulzer))之拟寄生者,过去对其嗅觉反应之了解较少。 …etds.lib.nchu.edu...
the foraging behavior of Aphidius gifuensis A shmead fHymentoptera:Aphidiidae) in response to chemical C U e S . ⑥ 20 09 The A uthors J ournal compilatio n ⑥ Institute of Z oo log y, C hinese A cademy of S cience s
storage techniquesmummiesfood supplementTechnology for mass storage is one of the most important issues facing the use of parasitoids for biological control programmes. The emergence rate, the proportion of females, adult longevity, parasitism rate of Aphidius gifuensis after cold storage of mummies at...
on the emergence rate and life span of A phid ius gifuensis ( A shmaed) and define its best refrigera on con- ditions ,we refrigerated rigescent insect state of A . g if uensis ( A shmaed) under different temperatures ( 2 , 3。4 ,5 and 6 ℃ ) and d ifferent riges cent...
The invention discloses an overwintering breeding method for an aphidius gifuensis population. The method comprises the following steps that 1, host plant breeding; 2, aphid inoculation; 3, aphid breeding; 4, aphidius gifuensis inoculation; 5, aphidius gifuensis breeding; 6 reproduction expanding...
In order to understand the effects of fluctuating thermal regime(FTR) on the cold tolerance of female and male Aphidius gifuensis adults in the mummies of Schizaphis graminum and to explore the variation patterns of the biochemical substances in the adult body,this paper determined the supercooling...
Aphidius gifuensis is a predominant parasitoid of aphid pests. To study the nature of its olfactory responses is critical to the successful implementation of biological control of aphids. In this paper, electroantennogram (EAG) technique was used to investigate the responses of A. gifuensis to...
Macrosiphumavenae为寄主的烟蚜茧蜂AphidiusgifuensisAshmead雌、雄成蜂生理生化特性进行了比较研究。 结果发现,与以麦二又蚜为寄主时相比,以麦长管蚜为寄主的烟蚜茧蜂雌、雄成蜂头壳更宽、寿命更长(雌 蜂5. 0d,雄蜂4. 6d)、过冷却点(雌蜂-25. 7℃,雄蜂-25-3℃)和结冰点(雌蜂-24. 9℃,雄蜂一 24. ...
gifuensis )属膜翅目( Hymenoptera )蚜茧蜂科 ( Aphidiider ),是多种蚜虫的重要寄生性天敌,寄主 有烟蚜( Myzuspersicae )、萝卜蚜( Lipaphiserysi mi )、麦长管蚜( Macrosiphumavenae )、棉蚜( Aphis gossypii )、大豆蚜( Aphisglycines )等 [1417] ...