Etymology explains again. The "helion" ofaphelionandperihelionis based on the Greek wordhēlios, meaning "sun," while the "gee" ofapogeeandperigeeis based ongaia, meaning "earth." The first pair describes distance in relation to the sun, the second in relation to the Earth. ...
它构成或组成以下词汇: anthelion; aphelion; girasole; heliacal; helio-; heliotrope; helium; insolate; insolation; parasol; parhelion; perihelion; Sol; solar; solarium; solstice; south; southern; sun; Sunday。 它是假设的来源/其存在的证据由以下提供:梵语 suryah,阿维斯塔语 hvar “太阳,光,天堂”; ...
When at aphelion the planets move slower, and when at perihelion they move quicker than at the mean distance. From Project Gutenberg When its centre is at the extremity most remote from the sun, or aphelion, it is the summer solstice for the northern hemisphere. From Project Gutenberg The so...
它构成或组成以下词汇: anthelion; aphelion; girasole; heliacal; helio-; heliotrope; helium; insolate; insolation; parasol; parhelion; perihelion; Sol; solar; solarium; solstice; south; southern; sun; Sunday。 它是假设的来源/其存在的证据由以下提供:梵语 suryah,阿维斯塔语 hvar “太阳,光,天堂”; ...
It forms all or part of:anthelion;aphelion;girasole;heliacal;helio-;heliotrope;helium;insolate;insolation;parasol;parhelion;perihelion;Sol;solar;solarium;solstice;south;southern;sun;Sunday. It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskritsuryah, Avestanhvar"sun, ligh...