It is a shared database of multimedia interactions for the study of communication in aphasia. Access to AphasiaBank is While some information can be seen immediately, access to the data in AphasiaBank is password protected and restricted to members of the AphasiaBank ...
在获取AphasiaBank 数据前,打开您的浏览器,输入以下网址打开失语库的 主页http://talkbank。网页中间的Clinical Areas 栏目下,点击AphasiaBank 的 链接进入失语库页面。在Database 标题下,你可以看到Trasncript Database(译 文数据库)和Media Database(媒体数据库)这两个链接。
Language databaseCantoneseChineseAphasiaDiscourseGesturesStrokeThis article reports the construction of a multimodal annotated database of spoken discourse and co-verbal gestures by native healthy speakers of Cantonese and individuals with language impairment: the Cantonese AphasiaBank. This corpus was ...
AphasiaBank is a shared, multimedia database for the study of communication in aphasia. This article describes a variety of discourse measurement tools and teaching resources available at the AphasiaBank website. The discourse measurement tools include main concept analysis, core lexicon checklists, ...
Computational Analysis of AphasiaBank Transcripts and Videoanimal housinganimal modelscholinesterasecholinesterase inhibitorsdairy farmsdisease modelseffectsinhibitioninsecticidesmode of action1* PAR: &= points: man this [/] this man he is 2 &= points: cat looking at the (.) cat. 3% mor: pro: dem...
about an individual.Because the short speech samples yielded by the subgenre narrative analyses demonstrated poor test-retest reliability, it is recommended that all of the picture-based narrative discourse tasks be combined for analysis of word-retrieval impairments when the AphasiaBank stimuli are ...
aphasia; speech recognition; wav2vec2.0; semi-supervised learning; aphasiabank; low-resource1. Introduction Aphasia is a language disorder that causes impairments in dimensions including speech, writing, interaction or communication. People with aphasia (PWA) mainly acquire this disorder after suffering ...
aphasia; speech recognition; wav2vec2.0; semi-supervised learning; aphasiabank; low-resource1. Introduction Aphasia is a language disorder that causes impairments in dimensions including speech, writing, interaction or communication. People with aphasia (PWA) mainly acquire this disorder after suffering ...
The Aphasia Communication Outcome Measure (ACOM): Dimensionality, item bank calibra- tion, and initial validation. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 58(3), 906-919. doi:10.1044/2015_JSLHR-L-14-0235Hula, W. D., Doyle, P. J., Stone, C. A., Hula, S. N. A., ...
AIMS: The overall goal of AphasiaBank is the construction of a system for accumulating and sharing data on language usage by PWAs. To achieve this goal, we have developed a standard elicitation protocol and systematic automatic and manual methods for transcription, coding, and analysis. METHODS #...