Speech therapy in primary progressive aphasia: a pilot study. Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders extra, 2: 321-331, 2012.Farrajota L, Maruta C, Maroco J, Martins IP, Guerreiro M, de-Mendonc¸ a A. Speech therapy in primary progressive aphasia: a pilot study. Dement Geriatr Cogn ...
Optimal timing of speech and language therapy for aphasia after stroke: more evidence needed. Expert Rev Neurother 2015; 15: 885-893.Nouwens, F., Visch-Brink, E. G., Van de Sandt-Koenderman, W. M. E., Dippel, D. W. J., Koudstaal, P. J., and De Lau, L. M. L. (2015)....
Our Verb Toolbox Speech Therapy App helps people to work on Aphasia treatment at home. Improves reading comprehension and verb naming.
The mission of Aphasia Talks Inc. is to provide high quality, affordable apps to speech-language pathologists, clients, and families to support them in their communication journey.
Tactus Therapy makes the best-selling adult speech therapy apps to help stroke patients get more practice & help SLPs provide evidence-based speech therapy.
Speech therapy may be useful to treat aphasia. In some instances, improvement may be due to assumption of some language functions by other areas of the brain; recovery is usually incomplete, however. Britannica Quiz A Visit with the Word Doctor: Medical Vocabulary QuizRobert...
Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA) is different from dementia and stroke, and it requires a different approach in speech therapy. Learn what SLPs should do.
By combiningAIand real-world evidence in our easy-to-useprogram, Constant Therapy, we’re delivering clinically-proven, personalized brain exercises that can help peoplereignitetheir cognitive, speech, and language abilities. And we’re continuously optimizing the world’s understanding of the factors ...
S. (1994). Communicative speech therapy in aphasia: What does it mean, can it be effective and how should it be done? Aphasiology, 8, 482±488.Bastiaanse, R., and Prins, R. S. (1994). Communicative speech therapy in aphasia: what does it mean, can it be effective and how should...
speech therapypenetrating brain injuryrehabilitationA previously healthy 26 years old right-handed mansustained a penetrating brain injury (PBI) from gunshotwound to the head. The bullet entered the right parietooccipitaljunction, traveled diagonally through the occipitalpole and ended in the left fronto...