The meaning of APHASIA is loss or impairment of the power to use or comprehend words usually resulting from brain damage (as from a stroke, head injury, or infection). How to use aphasia in a sentence.
"Luftmensch," literally meaning "air person," is the Yiddish way of describing someone who is a bit of a dreamer. Did You Know? The word "infant" comes from the Latin word "infans" which literally means "unable to speak; speechless." Did You Know? The word cereal comes from the Roman...
aphasia meaning, definition, what is aphasia: a medical condition in which it is diffi...: Learn more.
The meaning of JARGON APHASIA is the fluent use of words that bear no relation to the meaning intended.
(the ability to identify an object, color, or other item with an appropriate word or term), repetition (the ability to repeat words, phrases, and sentences), hearing comprehension (the ability to understand spoken language), reading (the ability to understand written words and their meaning),...
Synonyms DysphasiaSynonymsDysphasiaDysphasiaDysphasiaShort Description or Definition Aphasia, from the Greek term "aphatos" meaning "without language," is a disorder caused by damage to the language areas of the brain. Depending on the type and severity of the damage, deficits may be noted in ...
This isn't a sociology lesson so we won't get into this in detail, but from the medical perspective, language can be simplified to an ability to use one's lexicon in order to understand the meaning of words, when to use them properly, and how to put them together in a coherent ...
Perseveration | Meaning, Treatment & Examples Stuttering in Adults: Signs & Symptoms Phonological & Speech Articulation Errors | Diagnosis & Treatment History of Language Disorder Treatments What Is Cognitive Rehabilitation? Types of Stuttering Therapy Social Communication Disorder: Symptoms & Treatment Articu...
LossoflanguageabilityduetodamageinBroca'sarea(Brodmannarea44and45),characterisedbytelegraphicspeechinwhichthemeaningisusuallyclearbutthegrammaticalconnectingwordsaremissing,withretainedcomprehension. Aetiology Stroke,usuallyduetothromboembolism;lesscommonlyduetobraintumours,cerebralhaemorrhage,extraduralhaematoma. ...
Related to expressive aphasia: receptive aphasia, Wernicke's aphasiaaphasia aphasia (əfāˈzhə), language disturbance caused by a lesion of the brain, making an individual partially or totally impaired in his ability to speak, write, or comprehend the meaning of spoken or written words. ...