Speech and language assessment in 30 patients with dementia of the Alzheimer type and in 70 normal controls revealed that all Alzheimer patients were aphasic. Throughout most of the course, the language disorder resembled transcortical sensory aphasia, and increasing language impairment correlated with...
Miller-KeaneEncyclopediaandDictionaryofMedicine,Nursing,andAlliedHealth,SeventhEdition.©2003bySaunders,animprintofElsevier,Inc.Allrightsreserved. mo·tor a·pha·si·a atypeofaphasiainwhichthereis adeficitinspeechproductionorlanguageoutput,oftenaccompaniedby adeficitincommunicatingbywriting,signs,orothermanifes...
Language disorders in dementia take a variety of forms. In dementia, the language problem may be insidious and may require elicitation with the assistance of an experienced physician, speech/language pathologist, or neuropsychologist. Some dementias present with aphasic syndromes that closely resemble th...
For patients with neurodegenerative illnesses, anomic aphasia rather than dementia or simply memory impairment sometimes explains the inability to name the current month or familiar places, objects, and people. Thus, these patients may perform poorly on cognitive testing because of aphasia rather than ...
Wernicke’s aphasia:Occurs due to the damage caused in the side region of language dominant area of the brain. The person will be able to make long sentences, but they will not have any meaning. Symptoms include: Improper reading and writing ...
The paper presents the case study of lexical selection in Alzheimer-type dementia. Lexical substitutions in poem recitation and conversations of a Russian speaker, who suffered Alzheimer-type dementia, were analyzed on the background of the lexical retrieval and slip-of-the-tongue phenomena. The ...
Adegenerativedisorderofwhichtheearlymajorsymptomis anaphasiathatincreasesinseverityand(usually)eventuallyincludesdementia. MedicalDictionaryfortheHealthProfessionsandNursing©Farlex2012 primary progressive aphasia AnatypicalformofDEMENTIAfeaturingprogressivelossofthelanguagefunctionwithoutseverememoryloss,lossofvisualandspacia...
"This trauma can be due to a stroke in that region, tumor, any lesion or even dementia. If it is not permanent and comes and goes, it could suggest focal seizures." The type of aphasia can be determined by which area of the brain is damaged, Dr. Billakota notes, that damage to ...
What stage of Alzheimer's is aphasia? Aphasia: Aphasia is a common symptom that can develop in Alzheimer's disease, the most common type of dementia. Aphasia is a language disorder that can impair language comprehension, language expression, or both. In Alzheimer's, both are usually affected....
FDG PET and MRI in logopenic primary progressive aphasia versus dementia of the Alzheimer's type PLoS One, 8 (4) (2013), p. e62471 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar Mesulam, 1982 M.M. Mesulam Slowly progressive aphasia without generalized dementia Ann. Neurol., 11 (6) (1982), pp....