which implements a superset of the Z80 instruction sets. Speed performed by the product; Benefits of the application of Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC) design style to the 8-bit microcontroller; How the chip was developed.Clarke
The article focuses on a computer program abstract titled "General Purpose On-line Signal Averaging System for the Cromemco Z80 Microcomputer," by M. Makasare, K. Campbell, R. Stelmack and V. Knott. A general purpose on-line averaging program (EVOKE) permits the presentation of up to 4 ...
Zilog updates venerable Z80 for Internet era.Focuses on the enhancements made by Zilog Inc. for its Z80 device into eZ80 to focus on online world. Features of the device; Target market of the device; Main target applications of the device.Wade...
Reports on Zilog's introduction of its 16-bit Z380, a 1.0-micron third generation of its Z80 microprocessor architecture. Product description; Packaging; Pricing; Feedback from Edgar A. Sack, Zilog chairman and chief executive officer.DeTarJimElectronic News (10616624)...
Sea-of-gates ASIC embeds Z80 core.Introduces the LZ9C series from Sharp Electronics. Features and function of the product.EBSCO_AspElectronic Engineering
Z80 turns 20.Reports on Zilog Inc.'s celebration of the 20th anniversary of the introduction of the Z80 microprocessor in the computer market. Continuous success of the microprocessor.EDNGranvilleFran
Reveals the plan of Zilog Inc. to stand out with its eZ80 microcontroller strategy. Comments from Didier Le Lannic, senior vice president and general manager of Zilog's Communications division; Details on the eZ80 family.MorrisonGaleEBSCO_AspElectronic News (10616624)...
The article focuses on the revisions made to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z80.1 standard for prescription spectacle lenses in 2010 to upgrade the quality of lenses. The standard has expanded the use of compensated power. The revised standard includes changes to durability, lens ...