Reports on Rockwell Graphics' putting of its printing press operating instructions, maintenance manuals and parts catalogs on the Pressview CD-ROM disk. Use of search and retrieval software from Interleaf Inc.; Linking of manuals in an on-line interactive format through Pressview; Benefits for ...
Best Buy Deploys Comprehensive Parts Catalog.Reports on the launch of comprehensive Master Parts Catalog (MPC) by Best Buy Co. Inc. which provides information on the replacement parts and accessories for consumer electronics and appliances. Companies involved in compilation of the catalog; ...
Introduction of a specialized multimedia information storage and retrieval system called Parts Interpretive Catalog System (PICS); Functions of PICS.ProctorPaulEBSCO_AspAviation Week & Space Technology
Combined with the bridge between SysML and engineering analyses, parts catalog data available from system models enables evaluating many different configurations of a system and identifying best designs. The technical approach is demonstrated using an automobile brake design example. The integrated approach...