Use of the nuclear power to generate the electricity needed to split water; Increase of the rate of hydrogen inputs to the atmosphere from all sources; Contribution of the use of hydrogen on the damage of the ozone layer.EBSCO_AspPollution Engineering...
Chem. Rev. 2005, 105 (9), 3388-3431.Deguillaume, L., Leriche, M., Desboeufs, K., Mailhot, G., George, C., and Chaumerliac, N.: Transition metals in atmospheric liquid phases: Sources, reactivity, and sensitive parameters, Chem. Rev., 105, 3388-3431, 2005....
Announces that California Institute of Technology's Frances Arnold has been awarded the 2003 Carothers Award by the American Chemical Society Delaware Section. Innovative work in developing the field of molecular evolution, particularly of enzyme function; Position in the institute; Other honors and ...
The article focuses on the claim of scientists Mike Brown and Konstantin Batygin of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) on evidence of a Planet X which orbits the sun and settles in a distant elliptical orbit. It says that Brown and Batygin have inferred the presence of the ...
Twenty-five state-of-the-art single-pedestrian detection approaches are combined with the two-pedestrian detector on three widely used public datasets: Caltech, TUD-Brussels, and ETH. Experimental results show that our framework improves all these approaches. The average improvement is 9 percent on...
Tierno, "Asynchronous parallel prefix computation," IEEE Transactions on Computers 47, pp. 1244-1252, Nov. 1998.R. Manohar and J. A. Tierno, "Asynchronous Parallel Prefix Computation", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 47, No. 11, Nov. 1998, pp. 1244-1252....
The authors thus allow for weak supervision of the face recognition experiment and obtain high accuracy for 20 subjects of the CALTECH-256 face database, 133 subjects of the labelled faces for the wild dataset and 994 subjects of the FERET database, with state-of-the-art comparisons ...
The theoretical predictions are in semiquantitative agreement with experimental results from the TEXT [Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 3 0, 1443 (1985)], Caltech [Phys. Fluids 2 9, 309 (1986)], and Tosca [in the P r o c e e d i n g s o f t h e 1 2 t h E u r o p e a n...
For our device the photon detector was implemented using a kinetic inductance detector which is a pair-breaking superconducting detector [9], =-=[16]-=-, [17], that for the purposes of this design will behave like an impedance matched attenuator at the end of the filter output microstrip....
Husson (2015), Influence of subduction history on South American topography, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 430, 9-18.Flament N, Gurnis M, Muller RD, Bower DJ, Husson L. Influence of subduction history on South Ameri- can topography. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2015; 430:9-18....