Apgar评分的再评价——美国儿科学会和妇产科学会“Apgar评分”最新声明简介 万方数据
Table of contentsWhat is APGAR score?What does APGAR stand for?How to calculate APGAR score?Limitations of APGAR score With the APGAR score calculator, you will be able to summarize the condition of an infant soon after birth or assess its response to resuscitation. To achieve this, we will...
The surgical Apgar score (SAS) is a simple and objective bedside prediction tool that can guide a surgeon’s postoperative decision making. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of SAS in predicting outcomes in patients undergoing laparotomy at Mulago hospital. Method A ...
Despite the value of the [Apgar] scoring system, experience has shown that it may be difficult to memorize the categories that make up the score and that [some] medical personnel are not familiar with it. The purpose of this communicat...
Surgical Apgar score (SAS): score category distribution, components, and diagnostic accuracy In our study, 99 (65.6%) of the participants had a medium SAS (Table 4). The median estimated blood loss was 127 mls (Interquartile range (IQR), 84–124) while the median lowest heart rate ...