Table of contentsWhat is APGAR score?What does APGAR stand for?How to calculate APGAR score?Limitations of APGAR score With the APGAR score calculator, you will be able to summarize the condition of an infant soon after birth or assess its response to resuscitation. To achieve this, we will...
There was a moderate correlation between gestational age at birth and 1stand 5thmin Apgar score.#Apgar score components improve in higher gestational ages; therefore, a lower Apgar score is acceptable at lower gestational ages. The results of the present study show the real Apgar score for ...
The purpose of this research was to modify an existing Apgar scoring system for lambs and compare Apgar score with litter size and birth order, as well as time-to-stand and time-to-suckle. Polypay lambs (n = 75) delivered naturally were used for this study. Pulse (175 bpm = 2) and...