Respiration (breathing) Not breathing Slow or irregular breathing, weak cry, whimpering Normal rate and effort of breathing; good, strong cry What's a normal Apgar score? A score of 7 to 10 is considered normal for both the one-minute and five-minute Apgar tests. A score in this range ...
Cerebral lesions in term infants with neonatal convulsions and normal Apgar scoreNeonatal seizures may occur in the absence of other signs of hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). The cause is frequently thought to be idiopathic and benign. The aim of this study was to document cerebral imaging ...
14 Nelson KB, Ellenberg JH. Apgar scores aspredictors of chronic neurologicdisability. Pediatrics. 1981;68(1):36–44 15 Lie KK, Grøholt EK, Eskild A. Association ofcerebral palsy with Apgar score in lowand normal birthweight infants...
The five-minute Apgar score The second score helps your practitioner see how your baby is progressing and whether he has responded to any initial medical intervention. A score of 7 to 10 is still considered normal at this point. If you...
Normal performance of primitive reflexes in newborns can be linked to a greater likelihood of having higherApgar scores, higher birth weight, shorter hospitalization time after birth, and a better overall mental state. 新生儿原始反射的正常表现可与更高的阿氏评分(英语:Apgar score)分数、更高的出生体重...
Definition The Apgar score is a numerical score developed by Virginia Apgar, MD, an American anesthesiologist, in 1952 to standardize the description of newborn infant medical stability in the delivery room. A scale from 0 (worst) to 2 (normal) is assigned to the following parameters: heart ...
(redirected fromApgar score) Dictionary Thesaurus Medical Legal Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to Apgar score:Ballard score Special Claim on Residual Equity (SCORE) Acertificatethat entitles the owner to thecapitalappreciationof anunderlying security, but not to thedividendincome from thesecurity. ...
Apgar评分的再评价——美国儿科学会和妇产科学会“Apgar评分”最新声明简介 万方数据
In the last years the APGAR score system has been proposed to assess the degree of peripartum asphyxia in foals. The aim of the present study was the assessment of potential association between placental features and APGAR scores after normal parturition in the Thoroughbred horse. Twenty-nine ...
21 Axelsson R. APGAR score as a method for prediction of survival prognosis in newborn puppies and kittens. Second cycle, A2E. axelsson_r_190306.pdf (2019, accessed February 16, 2022). 22 Siristatidis C, Salamalekis E, Kassanos D, et al. Evalu...