The score can indicate how well a newborn is transitioning to life after delivery and whether immediate medical care is needed. Nurses should evaluate the scoring and its implications to swiftly identify newborns that need interventions. Last updated: October 9, 2024 Download free cheat sheet ...
These data suggest that 1) the standard Apgar score may not be appropriate for the assessment of fetal well-being in premature infants, 2) scores thought representative of asphyxia in more mature newborns may not represent asphyxia in immature infants, and 3) these normative data are useful in...
1360 THE APGAR SCORE REVISITED: DEVELOPMENTAL PATTERNS IN OPTIMAL??? NEWBORNSPediatric Research publishes original papers, invited reviews, and commentaries on the etiologies of diseases of children and disorders of development, extending from molecular biology to epidemiology. Use of model organisms and ...
birth. Implementing the Apgar score introduceda spirit of competitionbecause the doctors inherently wanted the newborns they delivered to have better scores. It became readily apparent that a baby with a low score initially could improve remarkably and have an excellent score five minutes after birth...
For babies at risk of early death, the selected cut-off values for the 1-min Apgar score was >8 for preterm (true-positive (TP) rate: 83.9%; false-positive (FP) rate: 17.7%) and term babies (TP rate: 69.4%; FP rate: 6.7%). At 5 min, the analysis revealed that newborns with...
For babies at risk of early death, the selected cut-off values for the 1-min Apgar score was >8 for preterm (true-positive (TP) rate: 83.9%; false-positive (FP) rate: 17.7%) and term babies (TP rate: 69.4%; FP rate: 6.7%). At 5 min, the analysis revealed that newborns with...
Yet, an association between low Apgar scores and future health remains a matter of controversy.What is New: Our work shows that a low 5-min Apgar score is independently associated with long-term pediatric infection-related hospitalizations among term singleton newborns....
–Head and arm circumference of the newborns of older mothers were higher than that of younger ones. –Mean value of Apgar score after 1 minute of the neonates of younger mothers (8.6) was lower than that of older ones (8.7). –Mean value of Apgar score after 5 minute of the neonates...
Newborns with an Apgar score below seven at five minutes were significantly associated with intrapartum support [AOR; 0.8 (95% CI 0.7 – 1.0)] and perineal protection [AOR; 0.3 (95% CI 0.1 – 0.8)]. However, after adjustment, no significant association was found between Apgar score and ...
Objectives: To determine the association of Apgar score with maternal age and haemoglobin. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on mothers (n=306) delivering live, full-term, singleton babies by spontaneous vertex delivery. Women who suffered stillbirths had bab...