cache boolean true v1.0.0 Use in-browser data caching to reduce the load on Home Assistant's server stacked boolean false v1.0.0 Enable if you want the data to be stacked on the graph layout string v1.0.0 See layouts header object v1.0.0 See header now object v1.5.0 See now y_axi...
private _hass?: HomeAssistant; private _apexChartConfig?: ApexChart = {}; private _apexChart?: ApexCharts; private _loaded = false; private _stateChanged = false; private _updating = false; private _updateQueue: string[] = []; private _interval?: NodeJS.Timeout; private _history: (Enti...
Version of the card Version: 2.0.3 To Reproduce This is the configuration I used: Screenshots See above
uses the time format defined in Home Assistant user profile (78df800), closes #213 yaxis: Align the extremas to the closest align_to value. (a46c812), closes #170 pie/donut now shows the value of the serie instead of the percentage. Old behavior with datalabels: percent (7591aba) action...
📈 A Lovelace card to display advanced graphs and charts based on ApexChartsJS for Home Assistant - apexcharts-card/src/graphEntry.ts at master · Wesley-Vos/apexcharts-card
📈 A Lovelace card to display advanced graphs and charts based on ApexChartsJS for Home Assistant - apexcharts-card/src/apex-layouts.ts at master · JuzzWuzz/apexcharts-card
Restart Home Assistant. Data processing steps This diagrams shows how your data goes through all the steps allowed by this card: Using the card Main Options ⚠️ Since this card is in its debuts, you should expect breaking changes moving forward. ⚠️ The card stricly validates all the...