55,13,43,22] //图表选项 constoptions={ chart:{ width:380, type:'pie', }, labels:['TeamA','TeamB','TeamC','TeamD','TeamE'], responsive:[{ breakpoint:480, options:{ chart:{ width:200 }, legend:{ position:'bottom' } } }] } return( <divid="chart"> <ApexChartoptions...
{ enabled:false }, //响应式 responsive:[{ breakpoint:480, options:{ chart:{ width:200 }, legend:{ show:false } } }], //图例 legend:{ position:'right', offsetY:0, height:230, } } return( <divid="chart"> <ApexChartoptions={options}series={series}type="donut"height={600}/> ...
pie: { expandOnClick: false } }, responsive: [{ breakpoint: 480, options: { chart: { width: '100%' }, legend: { position: 'bottom' } } }], datasets: [{ borderColor: ["#EF3252"] }] }; var chart = new ApexCharts(document.getElementById("stats1_chart1"), options); chart....
fix #4846; pie chart rendering issue in shadowDOM fix #4853; resizing selection rect now updates main chart revert #4782; fixes #4855; toggling issue in line charts fix #3466; correct date when 1st value in x-axis is last day of month Documentation update Migrated all react samples from...
chart: { background: "transparent", foreColor: "#333", toolbar: { show: false, }, zoom: { enabled: false, }, }, legend: { show: false, }, grid: { show: false, }, xaxis: { categories: [], axisBorder: { show: false, }, axisTicks: { show: false, }, categories: [ "...
1、点击[文件] 2、点击[生成] 3、点击[随机图] 4、点击[确定] 5、点击[大小] 6、点击[...
position: 'bottom', }, } }, } Bars with thedistributedproperty set to false. (Large preview) Bars with thedistributedproperty set to true. (Large preview) Next, we add the categories, labels, and titles to the chart. xaxis: {