{ type:'gradient', }, legend:{ formatter:function(val,opts){ returnval+"-"+opts.w.globals.series[opts.seriesIndex] } }, title:{ text:'渐变甜甜圈与自定义的开始角度' }, responsive:[{ breakpoint:480, options:{ chart:{ width:200 }, legend:{ position:'bottom' } } }] } return( <...
我想通过将标题移动到当前位置下方一点来消除标题和图形之间的间隙。 apexcharts graph and title gaps 我所做的是首先检查元素,发现标题是在这个html元素中声明的 <text id="SvgjsText35758" font-family="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" x="330.5" y="16.5" text-anchor="middle" dominant-baseline="auto" fo...
Request: Customize Legend Layout to Display Two Columns in Polar Area Charts AjImad started Apr 4, 2024 in General 0 1 💬 Multiple Line Chart Tooltip getting time and Xaxis time does not match. ashifnadaf8788 started Apr 3, 2024 in General 0 1 💬 At close values one dat...
Whether to hide y-axis when user toggles series through legend. showForNullSeries: Boolean When turned off, it will hide the y-axis completely for a series which has no data or a series with all null values. seriesName: String || Array of Strings ...
fix#4738; legend height when position is bottom fix#4734; last annotation was not shown because of a refactor Full Changelog:v3.54.0...v3.54.1 Contributors junedchhipa and rosco54 Assets2 Loading 👍3softy2k, ZahidChandio, and Danw33 reacted with thumbs up emoji🎉3guenbakku, ZahidChan...
chart: { background: "transparent", foreColor: "#333", toolbar: { show: false, }, zoom: { enabled: false, }, }, legend: { show: false, }, grid: { show: false, }, xaxis: { categories: [], axisBorder: { show: false, }, axisTicks: { show: false, }, categories: [ "...
chart: { background: "transparent", foreColor: "#333", toolbar: { show: false, }, zoom: { enabled: false, }, }, legend: { show: false, }, grid: { show: false, }, xaxis: { categories: [], axisBorder: { show: false, }, axisTicks: { show: false, }, categories: [ "...
['#fff'], strokeColor:"#2e93fa", strokeWidth:2, hover:{ size:8, } }, yaxis:{ title:{ text:'$(million)', }, }, legend:{ position:'top', horizontalAlign:'right', floating:true, offsetY:-25, offsetX:-5 } } return( <divid="chart"> <ApexChartoptions={options}series={series...
{ enabled: false } }, ], tooltip: { fixed: { enabled: false, position: 'topLeft', offsetY: 30, offsetX: 60 }, }, legend: { horizontalAlign: 'left', offsetX: 40 } }, }; render() { return <Chart options={this.state.options} series={this.state.series} type={this.props.type...