I've been trying to fire an event whenever someone clicks somewhere on the chart but I've been unable to do it with a vue3 project setup. My charts are showing fine but firing events does not work. I've used the following code: <apexchar...
Env: "apexcharts": "^3.22.2", "vue": "^3.0.2", "vue3-apexcharts": "^1.1.1" My options: { chart: { height: 590, type: "area", }, dataLabels: { enabled: false, }, stroke: { curve: "smooth", }, xaxis: { labels: { showDuplicates: false, hide...
height: Number Sets the height for legend container tooltipHoverFormatter: function A formatter function to allow showing data values in the legend while hovering on the chart. This can be useful when you have multiple series, and you don’t want to show tooltips for each series together. ...
This is because the docs were written with vanilla JavaScript application in mind. We are working with React, so we define the width, height, and type by passing them in as props to theReactApexChartscomponent. We will see how this works in the next section. Line Charts This is a type ...
move some styles to foreignObject as external styles are not applied when exporting fix#4657; fix #4818; border radius on last element when previous datapoint is zero fix#4738; legend height when position is bottom fix#4734; last annotation was not shown because of a refactor ...
but ResetZoom is not working... fernandolangaro commented Oct 9, 2022 • edited For those using Nuxt3 and vue3-apexcharts, that's how I choose to make it work. I added a :key prop to my apexchart component <apexchart id="consultasChart" :key="renderChart" height="300" type="...
I also set the below configuration on xaxis.labels to prevent labels from clipping or not showing at all: trim: false, rotate: 0, minHeight: 40, hideOverlappingLabels: true, I know it's hacky but even if the tickAmount works with category types, I still prefer this as I have more ...
Codepen: https://codepen.io/jfalter/pen/rNedKOw Whenever I attempt to render a bar chart with data, I get the following error message: Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'toString' of undefined at Function.value (apexc...
Error: <svg> attribute height: Expected length, "NaN"maxrioux100/gamestop-nft-helper#28 Closed pvh-archifact Jun 19, 2023 • edited pvh-archifact Aug 10, 2023 • edited I tried to clean up the left over chart on window.onbeforeunload but its not always working. Especially if you hav...