chart: { type: 'area', events: { click(event, chartContext, config) { console.log(config.config.series[config.seriesIndex]) console.log(config.config.series[config.seriesIndex].name) console.log(config.config.series[config.seriesIndex].data[config.dataPointIndex]) } } } 源如何访问 Apexch...
var chartOptions = { chart: { type: 'bar', events: { click: function(event, chartContext, config) { // 在这里处理单击事件 // 可以通过config参数获取到被单击的条形图的相关信息 // 在这里可以为被单击的条形图添加底纹效果 } } }, plotOptions: { bar: { distributed: true, fill: { type:...
chart: {events: {dataPointSelection:function(event, chartContext, opts) {// ...} } } dataPointMouseEnter: function Fires when user’s mouse enter on a datapoint (bar/column/marker/bubble/donut-slice). The third argument also includes additional information like which dataPointIndex was hovered...
() ] }, ] } ]; const chartOptions = { chart: { height: 800, width: 800, type: 'rangeBar', events: { click(event, chartContext, config) { alert(event, chartContext, config); } }, }, plotOptions: { bar: { horizontal: true } }, fill: { type: 'gradient', gradient: { ...
;图表:{ type:字符串;高度:数字;};};plotOptions:{ bar:{水平:布尔;dataLabels:{位置:字符串;};dataLabels:{启用:布尔;offsetX:数字;样式:{ fontSize:字符串;颜色: string[];};};笔画:{.;};工具提示:{.;};xaxis:{;};回应:{.“chart.type”的类型在这些类型之间是不兼容的。dynamic from 'next/dy...
click(); // Remove the anchor element from the document document.body.removeChild(downloadLink); } 这已经在您的沙箱中进行了测试和工作。0投票 使用内部方法的更短解决方案: const downloadPNG = (chartId) => { const chartInstance = ApexCharts.getChartByID(chartId); if (!chartInstance) { ...
barLabels: enabled: Boolean When using custom angles in a radial bar chart, you can use this option. Here’s a demo using this option offsetX: Number Left offset of the labels offsetY: Number Top offset of the labels useSeriesColors: Boolean Whether to use primary colors or not. fontSiz...
柱状图 (Bar Charts):用于比较不同类别的数值大小,如销售业绩、产品销量等。 饼图(Pie Charts):适合展示各部分占总体的比例关系,如市场份额、收入来源等。 面积图 (Area Charts):类似于折线图,但会填充线条下方的区域,常用来表示累积量的变化趋势。
I need to give users a feature to export whole page as image. Right now, i see an option to download individual component only. But How can I call this function from outside click event to export chart as image (svg or png).
我成功地向数据点添加了onclick事件。有人知道怎么做吗?var options = { height: 400, stacked: false, dataPointSelection: (event, chartContext, config) => { var selecteddate 浏览3提问于2020-01-23得票数 1 回答已采纳 1回答 Apexcharts十字准线工具提示 、 我在应用程序中使用带有vue包装器的...