近日,药学院天然药物及仿生药物国家重点实验室王晶团队在学术期刊《Angewandte Chemie International Edition》发表了题为"APEX2-based Proximity Labeling of Atox1 Identifies CRIP2 as a Nuclear Copper-binding Protein that Regulates Autophagy Activation"(利用APEX2邻近标记技术鉴定铜伴侣蛋白Atox1细胞核内铜结合蛋白...
近日,药学院天然药物及仿生药物国家重点实验室王晶团队在学术期刊《Angewandte Chemie International Edition》发表了题为“APEX2-based Proximity Labeling of Atox1 Identifies CRIP2 as a Nuclear Copper-binding Protein that Regulates Autophagy Activation”(利用APEX2邻近标记技术鉴定铜伴侣蛋白Atox1细胞核内铜结合蛋...
大家好,本周跟大家分享一篇发表在Angew上的文章,文章题目是“APEX2-based Proximity Labeling of Atox1 Identifies CRIP2 as a Nuclear Copper-binding Protein that Regulates Autophagy Activation”。本文通讯作者是来自北京大学药学院...
近日,药学院天然药物及仿生药物国家重点实验室王晶团队在学术期刊《Angewandte Chemie International Edition》发表了题为“APEX2-based Proximity Labeling of Atox1 Identifies CRIP2 as a Nuclear Copper-binding Protein that Regulates Autophagy Activation”(利用APEX2邻近标记技术鉴定铜伴侣蛋白Atox1细胞核内铜结合蛋...
近日,药学院天然药物及仿生药物国家重点实验室王晶团队在学术期刊《Angewandte Chemie International Edition》发表了题为"APEX2-based Proximity Labeling of Atox1 Identifies CRIP2 as a Nuclear Copper-binding Protein that Regulates Autophagy Activation"(利用APEX2邻近标记技术鉴定铜伴侣蛋白Atox1细胞核内铜结合蛋白...
Here, we present a new method based on semi﹑ermeabilized yeast cells. Combined with stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture (SILAC), we demonstrate proteomic mapping of a membrane〆nclosed and a semi﹐pen compartment, the mitochondrial matrix and the nucleus. APEX2 PL revealed...
To test whether APEX2 + SOPP3-mediated PL could uncover proteins enriched at ER–Mito contact sites, we carried out tandem mass tag (TMT) labeling-based quantitative proteomics experiment on our streptavidin-enriched samples and applied two sequential filtering to analyze proteomic data (Suppleme...
A genetically encoded peroxidase with improved sensitivity, APEX2, is reported for electron microscopy and proximity labeling at low expression levels. APEX is an engineered peroxidase that functions as an electron microscopy tag and a promiscuous labeli
To address the need for an interaction-dependent proximity labeling tool, we describe here the development of an evolved split APEX2 (sAPEX) system. Using a novel yeast display- based directed evolution approach that incorporates positive and negative selection steps, we ...
近日,药学院天然药物及仿生药物国家重点实验室王晶团队在学术期刊《Angewandte Chemie International Edition》发表了题为"APEX2-based Proximity Labeling of Atoxl Identifies CRIP2 as a Nuclear Copper-binding Protein that Regulates Autophagy Activation"(利用APEX2邻近标记技术鉴定铜伴侣蛋白Atoxl细胞核内铜结合蛋白...