使用 Apex Pack Tracker 非常简单。只需在搜索引擎中输入 Apex Pack Tracker,然后找到一个可靠的追踪器网站。在网站上,您需要输入您的 Origin ID 或其他游戏相关的标识符,然后您就可以看到您在《Apex Legends》中打开的包数和距离获得传家宝碎片还需打开的包数。三、故障安全系统:保障玩家的权益 Respawn Entertain...
I would like to request an in game Quality of Life improvement, Namely an In-Game Apex Pack opening tracker that keeps track of how many packs you have opened and resets back to 0 once you get that lucky pull for Heirloom Shards or have Opened your 500th pack and received the shards. ...
Kind of a rant but still. Can we get an apex pack tracker. Ive been waiting so long for my first heirloom shards. Ive even bought packs. I know by the 500th... - 8548449
Challenge tracker for Apex Legends. Contribute to Elec0/apex-challenge-tracker development by creating an account on GitHub.
Bloodhound 寻血猎犬PAS:Tracker 追踪器TAC:Eye Of The Allfather/Scan 上帝之眼/扫描ULT:Beast Of The Hunt 狂野猎人 Gibraltar/Gibby 直布罗陀PAS:Gun Shield 枪盾TAC:Dome Of Prothection/Bubble 穹顶护盾/泡泡ULT:Air Strike/Bombardment 防御性轰炸/空袭 ...
actioncadencesteptracker actioncadencestepvariant actioncadencetracker actioncdncstpmonthlymetric actionlinkgrouptemplate actionlinktemplate actionplan actionplanitem actionplantemplate actionplantemplateitem actionplantemplateitemvalue actionplantemplateversion activefeaturelicensemet...
Challenge tracker for Apex Legends. Contribute to Elec0/apex-challenge-tracker development by creating an account on GitHub.
Apex Pack Crafting Metals Put It Up holospray Epic Apex Pack Apex Coins XP Boost Neon Sky Triple Take "If this were a beauty contest" Loba kill quip Crafting Metals Cherry Bomb stat tracker - top Cherry Bomb stat tracker - middle
AsyncApexJob AsyncOperationLog AsyncOperationTracker AttachedContentDocument AttachedContentNote Attachment AttributeDefinition AttributePicklist AttributePicklistValue AsyncReportRunEventLog (Beta) Audience AuraDefinition AuraDefinitionBundle AuraDefinitionBundleInfo AuraDefinitionInfo AuraRequestEventL...
@OldTreeCreeper You will frequently get served ads for cheats and boosting on sites like that. Apex tracker has no connection with Respawn. - 5645240