Apex Technical School, a trade school in Long Island City, Queens, offers hands-on skills training for entry-level employment. Explore our six programs now.
Interested in a plumbing and pipefitting program? Contact us today to learn about plumbing classes offered at Apex Technical School in New York.
Apex Technical School, a trade school in Long Island City, Queens, offers hands-on skills training for entry-level employment. Explore our six programs now.
Free first-rate education till 12th grade:Ottawa gives free primary & secondary education. The nation also gives financial support for post-secondary studies. Each and every kid ought to be present at school till they turn 16-17 even as 95% of the kids go to such public schools, which rec...
Brighten your future at Apex Technical School. Prepare to enter the electrical trade by learning core skills at our electricity school. The Electrical & Advanced Electrical program introduces students to the National Electric Code and provides electrical classes in electrical safety, blueprints, residentia...