1、你可以将Steam账号连接到Apex。 进入游戏内好友列表的左下角来完成连接。现在这个功能有点麻烦。 2、在控制设置里,你可以选择下蹲与瞄准是切换还是长按。 3、在控制设置里,你可以给所有不同类型的标记分配按键。 4、在Origin里,你可以给游戏添加 -novid 启动参数 (apex>settings>game properties>advanced...
1、你可以将Steam账号连接到Apex。进入游戏内好友列表的左下角来完成连接。现在这个功能有点麻烦。2、在控制设置里,你可以选择下蹲与瞄准是切换还是长按。3、在控制设置里,你可以给所有不同类型的标记分配按键。4、在Origin里,你可以给游戏添加 -novid 启动参数 (apex>settings>game properties>advance...
进入游戏后按 Alt+Enter 可以开启窗口化(或者在 Steam/Origin 设置里面选),然后在窗口里用鼠标拖动至副屏。但这种方法可能会使游戏的 FPS 数下降。3. 修改 Origin 设置:打开 Origin 软件,在左侧菜单中选择“游戏库”(或“Library”),然后右击你的 《Apex英雄》游戏图标,弹出的菜单中选择 “游戏属性”(或 "...
- 事实上,复制和粘贴,EA CM只是留下了Steam和Uplay的说明,但没有添加Origin指令。几乎就像在复制和粘贴之前甚至没有完全阅读... 顺便说一句:在你的库中右键单击Origin中的Apex游戏,然后选择“修复”以执行类似于上面的Steam和Uplay过程的文件验证检查。 6楼2019-02-16 15:36 回复 ...
In the Steam library, right-click Apex Legends, click Properties, and then add the following command line to the startup argument. -eac_launcher_settings SettingsDX12.json Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply lydmq Beginner 11-07-2023 07:09 AM 7,993 Views Hello ! I am currently ...
APEX/Steam error 10009 Please someone help me, I updated this game on a 3080 TI RTX and it's telling me that the game failed to execute the game process When I click to verify, it says a file is missing. It's Error Code: 10009. This all started on 5/7/2024. Not sure if it...
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","subject":"I would like a refund for the Apex Coins I purchased on Steam.","conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:11883493"},"id":"message:11883493","revisionNum":1,"uid":11883493,"depth":0,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:apex-legends-...
Open your Steam game library. Right-click on Apex Legends. Open Properties. Navigate to Launch Options in General Properties. In Launch Options, type“+fps_max [FPS value]”. Once again, if you want to remove the FPS cap, enter“+fps_max unlimited”. ...
Deca can supposedly re-encode the text files/scripts and build mods, but I haven't been able to make it work. And even if I could build a mod file, without knowing the full list of command line options I don't know if/how it could be loaded. Poking around with IDA, it looks ...
▪ 你可以将Steam账号连接到Apex -进入游戏内好友列表的左下角来完成连接。现在这个功能有点麻烦 ▪ 在控制设置里,你可以选择下蹲与瞄准是切换还是长按 ▪ 在控制设置里,你可以给所有不同类型的标记分配按键 ▪ 在Origin里,你可以给游戏添加 -novid 启动参数 (apex>settings>game properties>advanced launch...