Forget tabbing out and opening up task manager in the middle of a game—just let your Apex keyboard's OLED screen show you how your PC is doing. Folks use the OLED display on theirApex 5,Apex 7,Apex Prokeyboards (and their TKL versions) for all kinds of reasons: adjusting settings, g...
OLED Smart Display Customize the OLED screen with your favorite gifs, view on-the-fly game info, incoming Discord messages, settings, and more. VIEW GAME INFO SAVE PROFILES & MACROS CONTROL RGB EFFECTS View hunger, tool durability, and more ...
Forget tabbing out and opening up task manager in the middle of a game—just let your Apex keyboard's OLED screen show you how your PC is doing. Folks use the OLED display on theirApex 5,Apex 7,Apex Prokeyboards (and their TKL versions) for all kinds of reasons: adjusting settings, g...
OLED Smart Display Customize the OLED screen with your favorite gifs, view on-the-fly game info, incoming Discord messages, settings, and more. VIEW GAME INFOSAVE PROFILES & MACROSCONTROL RGB EFFECTS View hunger, tool durability, and more View current speaker, messages, and more View curre...
Forget tabbing out and opening up task manager in the middle of a game—just let your Apex keyboard's OLED screen show you how your PC is doing.