I would like to request an in game Quality of Life improvement, Namely an In-Game Apex Pack opening tracker that keeps track of how many packs you have opened and resets back to 0 once you get that lucky pull for Heirloom Shards or have Opened your 500th pack and received the shards....
Original Post #1 February 2021 Options coltman92 ★★★ Newbie Kind of a rant but still. Can we get an apex pack tracker. Ive been waiting so long for my first heirloom shards. Ive even bought packs. I know by the 500th one its gaurenteed. Ive played 9,000 games roughly, im max ...
Apex战绩查询网站https://apex.tracker.gg/apex/profile/origin/Radarate/overview Apex在线人数查询网站https://playercounter.com/apex-legends/ Apex组合包开箱统计网站https://mike.zarandona.com/coded/apex-packs-calc/ Apex服务器状态https://apexlegendsstatus.com/ B站宇轩更新日志https://wiki.biligame.com/...
要么氪金直接解锁每种皮肤,要么通过手工制作金属解锁,要么以700枚Apex硬币(7美元)的价格购买Beast of Prey Apex Packs——将为您赢得Loba的新传家宝武器Garra de Alanza(“Alanza的爪子”)。 图源APEX 这把折扇是Loba已故母亲Alanza Andrade的复制品。洛巴对扇子进行了改进,使其具有锋利的爪状刀片,可以用来切碎敌人。
Stat Tracker Sign in to edit Stat Trackers are cosmetic counters tracking miscellaneous statistics for your legends. Each legend may equip three on their banners. Stat Trackers can be acquired from Apex Packs, using Crafting Metals, from Battle Passes, from Events and occasionally from the Store...
Tracker - trackers show three selected stats. Some are character-specific some are common. They have to be unlocked for each character. Kill is the only default stat. Badge - awarded for specific feats in the game. They have to be unlocked and some are character-specific. Some have more ...
Smooth Rider stat tracker - bottom Shockwave split 1 music pack Uppercut Fuse emote Apex Coins Training Simulator banner frame Legendary Apex Pack You Got Shredded holospray XP Boost Arcade Overload banner frame Kawaii Dangerous weapon charm
Rare| Free Stat Tracker:Season 2 Wins as Octane. Level 3 Rare| "Stargate" skin for Prowler Burst. Rare| Free Stat Tracker: Season 2 Wins as Wattson. Level 4 Rare| "Tip of the Spear" Load Screen. Rare| Free Stat Tracker: Season 2 Wins as Pathfinder. Level 5 Epic| Apex P...
Not only this is still haven't been given my Imperial Guard event packs from the last event even though they said they would fix it. Reply 2 + XP #7 April 2023 Options dakotarome24 ★★★ Newbie @gearad123 Whenever they fix it, I hope they can recover the stats from the ...
As with all of Apex Legend’s Collection Events, there is a free reward tracker if you complete the daily challenges. But if you were hoping for a complimentary Veiled Collection Event pack, you’ll be disappointed. The free rewards include a holospray, a gun charm and an Epic level Newca...