APEX Office Print (AOP) is the easiest and most used template-based reporting and document generation engine for Oracle Application Express (APEX).
APEX Office Print (AOP) is a product of APEX R&D / United Codes, located in Leuven, Belgium. We are an experienced partner that helps you facilitate, improve, and accelerate your business through new and innovative solutions. Built on in-depth technical expertise, our company provides custom-...
APEX Office Print是一款强大的报表生成和打印工具,可以将Oracle Application Express (APEX)应用程序中的数据以各种格式输出,包括PDF、Excel、Word、PowerPoint等。 使用APEX Office Print可以实现以下优势: 灵活性:APEX Office Print支持自定义报表模板,可以根据需求设计出符合个性化要求的报表样式。 多样性:支持多...
取得App 啟動示範自訂進度訓練 APEX Office Print (AOP) Printing and Exporting Made Easy! Bare Metal Cloud Packaged Application , Application Development , Developer Tools (0) Software Price: BYOL 簡介 評等 (0) 提供者 App 提供者:APEX R&D
我已经创建了一个新的空白页面:交互式网格,项目和动态行动的APEX Office打印插件与SQL代码的按钮打印,它正在打印我的报告,我想要的方式。 但是,我想在我的主详细页中做同样的事情。当我输入我的详细信息表单时,我希望有一个按钮"print“,该按钮具有打印该报告的相同操作。我已经在我的主细节表单上做了同样的事情...
We are the same great team that is behind APEX Office Print (AOP), the printing and exporting solution for Oracle Application Express (APEX)! Visit us and learn morewww.united-codes.com Feel free to use the form below if you have any questions or consulting and custom development inquiries...
当添加按钮使用 Print Office Apex 打印报告时,我在数据源中有此代码 `选择 '文件1' AS“文件名”, 光标( 选择 f.FOLLOWUP_TITLE AS "
45、RR R)配置图表的 Source的SQL第1列为URL即点击柱状条的1个链接,第2列为2)里的 ShowLabels 的 Label 值.后面的 SQ购为 2)里的 ShowValues 的 Value 第 2 种写 1 个 pl/sql 表达式 CREATE or REPLACE function login_data_fn l_qry VARCHAR2(32767); BEGIN l_qry :=SELECT null, to_char(jt...
42、t, 0) super admin FROM jjl_test jt GROUP BY to_char(jt.login_date, MON RRRR) 配置图表的Source的SQL,第一列为URL,即点击柱状条的一个链接,第二列为2)里的Show Labels的Label值.后面的SQL例为2)里的Show Values的Value第二种写一个pl/sql表达式CREATE or REPLACE function login_data_fnl_qry...
Today, Shanghai Easun is present in more than 30 countries throughout Europe, North America, South America and Asia. Faster time to market, to supply higher quality standard products and stronger customer support is Shanghai Easun’s mission. Shanghai Easun ha...