Player stats Game stats Tournament Map Leaderboards ALGS Tools Account Misc Search Battle royale pubs map rotation Go back to all modes rotation World's Edge From 14:00 to 15:30, ends in 3 mins Broken Moon From 15:30 to 17:00, starts in 3 mins Storm Point From 17:00 to 18:30, ...
Apex Legends Map Status Discord Bot Simple discord bot that provides an easy way to get status updates of map rotations in the game Apex Legends. Data extracted from you want to use Nessie for your own projects, you would need the following before ...
The app allows you to track your player statistics, including your match history, progression and other misc data. You can also find the map rotation for all modes available in game. A wide range of leaderboards are available, covering all stats in game, on top of live ranked leaderboards ...
Get current server status for Apex Legends, Origin and EA worldwide on PC, PS4, Xbox and Nintendo Switch. Updated every minutes, graphs, heatmap... everything you need to know if Apex, Origin or EA is down !
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Free iPhone Screenshots Description Hey Legends! It's time to make your way to the game more efficient & controllable. Before you hop in to the arena, make sure you check the current map & server status! Dear Legends! Embark on an unparalleled Apex Legends journey with the app! Stay in ...
(request);// 检查HTTP通信结果状态代码if(response.getStatusCode()==200){// 将通信结果转化为Map类型变量Map<String,Object>results=(Map<String,Object>)JSON.deserializeUntyped(response.getBody());// 对结果进行处理,得到language对象List<Object>languages=(List<Object>)results.get('languages');}return...
分享21 apex英雄吧 凯伦克里斯蒂 查看apex服务器状态的网站如题,刚刚登陆apex一直在转圈(人在国外不可能有加速器网络问题),就上来看一眼贴吧果然好多人有相同经历 就突然想到了之前路过的一个网站。 图一红框是近期有大量服务器问题报告,图二就是报告所在位置 网站地址 分享26 apex英雄吧 孤...
(request);// 检查HTTP通信结果状态代码if(response.getStatusCode() ==200) {// 将通信结果转化为Map类型变量Map<String, Object> results = (Map<String, Object>) JSON.deserializeUntyped(response.getBody());// 对结果进行处理,得到language对象List<Object> languages = (List<Object>) results.get('...