salesforce roadmap by sharing your feedback. services & plans services & plans reach your goals with our customer success experts. see all services get the right level of support and guidance to grow your business. implement, innovate, and transform your enterprise with help from salesforce ...
Map<String, String> strMap1 = new Map<String, String>(); // 基本 Map<String, String> strMap2 = new Map<String, String>{'A' => 'a', 'B' => 'b', 'C' => 'c', 'D' => 'd', 'E' => 'e'}; // 初期値指定 Map<String, String> strMap3 = new Map<String, String>...
我们使用 Cookies使您与我们网站的交互更有意义,并为您定制内容。 我们根据隐私声明处理从Cookies收集的信息。 这些信息可能被传输到中国境外的服务器或第三方信息控制者进行处理。 要更改您的 Cookies设置和偏好,请单击“Cookie同意管理”按钮。 拒绝所有 接受所有Cookie同意管理 ...
publicoverridevoidonValidate(Map<Id,SObject>existingRecords){// Validate changes to Opportunitiesfor(Opportunityopp:(List<Opportunity>)Records){OpportunityexistingOpp=(Opportunity)existingRecords.get(opp.Id);if(opp.Type!=existingOpp.Type){opp.Type.addError('Youcannot change theOpportunitytype once it...
Collections in Salesforce are variable types that can contain numerous records. Collections in Apex can be lists, sets, or maps. Read on to know more!
our contacts, get the Account Id for each, and place it into a set. We can then perform a single query outside our set using “AccountId IN :accountIds” and place the results into a map. Finally, we can simply iterate over the contacts once more and get the Account from our map....
使用触发器来执行通过 Salesforce 用户界面中的单击式工具无法完成的任务。例如,如果要验证字段值或更新记录中的字段,请用验证规则和流。如果性能和规模很重要,或者逻辑对于点击式工具来说过于复杂,或者正在执行 CPU 密集型操作,请使用 Apex 触发器。 为顶级标准对象,例如客户或联系人、自定义对象和一些标准子对象定义...
Triggers can be used to do anything that can be done in Apex, including executing SOQL and DML or calling custom Apex methods. Triggers can be used for performing tasks that can’t be done using the point-and-click tools that are in the Salesforce UI. Triggers can be defined for top...
Apex is a strongly typed, object-oriented programming language that allows developers to execute flow and transaction control statements on the Salesforce Platform server, in conjunction with calls to the API. This guide introduces you to
Behind the scenes Salesforce seems to always convert 15 character Id's to 18. Equivalency works as expected in most cases: Id a15 = '0012F00000YIc48'; Id a18 = '0012F00000YIc48QAD'; System.assert(a15 == a18); However, for the List contains & indexOf methods, it doesn't: List<Id...