More information, including technical documentation, can be found in the LiveAPI folder of the game installation. Quality of Life Added map rotation previews to the game mode selector in the lobby. Players can now be any team in Gun Run. Increased the odds of becoming Team Nessie in Gun Ru...
Apex Legends Apex Legends: Season 24 Map Rotation & Meta Playstyles for Each Location Apex Legends is always switching up its gameplay, whether it be by balancing popular legends or revamping the armor system. The latest update introducing Season...
Additionally,Controller- and Recon-class Legendsare getting some serious buffs, there's a new map (plus a new map rotation), and once the season goes live, players will have access to some wild new Battle Sense abilities that allow them to see enemy health bars ...
LIVE.DIE.LIVEThird Person ModeAlways Be ClosingArmed and DangerousKings Canyon After DarkDUMMIE's Big Day Prize Trackers ✕ ✕ The Old Ways(S04E02) Apr. 7, 2020 -Apr. 21, 2020(2 weeks) ✕ DuosMap rotation Bloodhound Fight or Fright(S06E02) Oct. 22, 2020 -Nov. 3, 2020(1 ...
Brace for interdimensional chaos as Launch Royale returns with a vengeance and a turbocharged map rotation. Earn Bytes to redeem rewards like Epic skins for Seer and the Flatline. Pull from 15 event cosmetics including Legendary skins for Octane and more with an opportunity for Legendary skins for...
The app allows you to track your player statistics, including your match history, progression and other misc data. You can also find the map rotation for all modes available in game. A wide range of leaderboards are available, covering all stats in game, on top of live ranked leaderboards ...
The app allows you to track your player statistics, including your match history, progression and other misc data. You can also find the map rotation for all modes available in game. A wide range of leaderboards are available, covering all stats in game, on top of live ranked leaderboards ...
Give feedback about the Legends, maps, weapons, loot and more in the Apex Legends community forums.32,942 Posts Start a Discussion Recent Discussions Most RecentNewest TopicsMost ViewedMost RepliesMost LikesNo Replies YetNo Solutions YetSolutions ...
The app allows you to track your player statistics, including your match history, progression and other misc data. You can also find the map rotation for all modes available in game. A wide range of leaderboards are available, covering all stats in game, on top of live ranked leaderboards ...