Jump into the Battle Royale revolution with Apex Legends for Xbox. Outwit your opponents with unique character abilities and deep tactical team play.
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After winning the ALGS Split 1 Playoffs, TSM's Apex Legends coach Raven says he wants to become the
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在免費遊玩的大逃殺射擊遊戲 Apex Legends 中展現你的本事,遊戲裡不合群、被放逐的人和騙子在邊境上取得名聲與財富。選擇你的英雄、組隊,一路拼到頂點。 Xbox One X 強化版:Xbox One X 的強化功能是依據內容更新發布而定。如需遊戲資訊,請造訪 xbox.com/enhanced。 其他資訊 分級評定中 可能含有兒童不宜的內容...
Raise the voltage with the Shockwave Premium+ Battle Pass Split 1. Power through 60 levels of rewards, which include: Premium Battle Pass content plus Premium+ Legendary Fuse and Loba Skin Variants, all Legends playable for the duration of the Battle Pas